Friday, December 29, 2017

Ham Soup ~ Yarn Keys

These cold frigid days remind me why I stocked up.  No one needs to be out in these temperatures.  

Our leftovers are dwindling down to a few pieces of pie, ham, BBQ green beans, etc.  I whipped up a crock pot of ham soup, using celery cubes I froze, onion, home canned tomato soup (vs. tomato juice), some frozen garden tomatoes, carrots, dehydrated mushrooms, chili powder, fire powder etc.  It's deliciously spicy and just what will warm me up even today.  

I never had time to try both roll recipes, so I may take some time in the next few weeks to try them.  Maybe today, if I get done with chores early.  

Yesterday I had a good amount of chores and made homemade yogurt.

My main barn door is froze shut, but I can gain access to my ladies and gent via another door.  I am rotating a watering unit daily as it freezes solid at night.  I know they make electric ones, but I prefer this way.  Our electric is the highest in the area.

I finally broke down and purchased some yarn keys.  After trying to find the same color of a yarn (to duplicate a scarf), I decided I better start keeping track of brand/color better.  I have yet to find the yarn I want, but I am now more organized.  This brand is made in America.

You clip your yarn label in the slot, and hook it to your yarn.  Knit Picks has them, called "Yarn Valet Keys."  I will probably need a few more.

Speaking of organized, I have purged a few tops that are too big and I started purging costume jewelry.  One daughter is delighted to gain new clothing and accessories.

I'll be back soon with the punch recipe.  Stay warm!


  1. Those are very nifty gadgets! I am forever losing my yarn labels. This weather is crying out for soup - I wish I didn't have to go out in it, as it makes all my chores take seven times longer than usual. I feel for the ducks, most of all, because I can only have one water heater and the chickens have it. I briefly contemplated putting the two groups together, but the ducks would trash the water in seconds and then nobody would have it! I am in purge mode, too, and it feels so good!

  2. I loved the yarn keys, such a great idea.

  3. Susan, I do feel bad for the animals when it's this cold, but since the main door is froze, I don't freeze them out going in to water them either. I am loving my yarn keys.

  4. mamasmercantile, I can't believe I didn't know of these gadgets before now.

  5. The yarn keys are a great idea! :) Oh nothing like purging this time of year...we have too much stuff...our biggest purge will likely come when we move out of this rental though. And I agree, I certainly don't need to be out this time of year! I'm glad for a full freezer!!!

  6. Rain, in 2016 I lost 38 pounds from May to Nov so I have plenty of clothes to pass on to others. The yarn keys are coming in handy with more scarf and hat orders now.

  7. It's cold here too...4 degrees when I woke up the other morning. I stock up too...still. You are so right...who wants to go out if you don't have to! The soup sounds good!

  8. Sam I Am, the ham soup was the best I've thrown together yet. I am saving my ham bone for another soup day.


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