Saturday, November 11, 2017


Chilly winter has arrived, and anyone who follows my blog knows that weekends mean work (if the weather is right).  It's the only time Hubby has now.  The time change has brought us much less time to work with daylight now (to work on weekdays after he returns from his full-time job).

Hubby and I have been borrowing DVD's from the library to enjoy.  Hallmark channel is on DVD's and we do not get that channel any longer.  It's been a nice way to enjoy the evenings.   Yay for the library.

Today I am thankful for:

~ having the ingredients to make another trial dinner roll recipe.  Better, but not the best using a 9 x 13 pan.  I still haven't replaced my 27 year old (or older) 9 inch round Wilton cake pans (the kids ruined).  Sigh.  I am thankful I have the 9 x 13.  I may try one other recipe before Christmas.
Unless any of you have a really good tried and true dinner roll recipe I can try.

~ my garden goodies stocked up for winter meals.

~ my health!  Oh so thankful for this!!

~ Swiss chard still producing, regardless of the temperature outside.

~ for our Veterans.

~ thankful for farmer's who sell straw.

~ for taking a much, much slower day yesterday.  I feel so rested.

Have a wonderful weekend!  I'm off to muck the coop, work on fire wood, mow the grass (yes!  It's tall and much needed after all that rain we had), maybe pull tomato stakes (who knows), re-tarp the camper, and whatever else our outside adventures lead us to.  I freeze dried all the kitchen towels yesterday, so there is no laundry this weekend.  I know I have chard and kale to pick.  No cooking today either - lots of leftovers (another thing I am thankful for).


  1. What are you looking for in a Christmas dinner roll? I could share mine with you if you like. It's from an old 80s cookbook called Sunday Dinner. They are crescent shaped and pretty yeasty. I'd be happy to share, if that sounds like something you would enjoy.

  2. Kristen, I would love to try them. My family loves test tasting too. Just trying to master the art of dinner roll making.

  3. You are so busy . . . when do you ever have time for DVD's?
    Those rolls looked delicious . . . and I know they made your home smell delightful.
    Happy weekend.
    Connie :)

  4. Kristina, I'm ignorant, why do you freeze dry your kitchen towels & how do you do so? Thanks, Sandy

  5. Thanks Connie, about just after dinner time, Hubby and I collapse watching a movie (he usually falls asleep part way through it, ha ha!

  6. Saundra, I put the towels out in 20degree weather, but the wind was so good they dried, but froze the tops to the line. I just put the basket near the wood stove to warm them up to fold. I had so many dirty towels and I didn't want to use the dryer (our electric is the highest in the area sadly).

  7. I think you have nice things to be thankful for Kristina, especially your health. :) It's freezing here, I can't see the grass anymore for the snow, enjoy mowing! ;)

  8. We never made rolls in my family. I make the rustic bread or white bread but not rolls. I hope you find one. Did you look on All Recipes? Their recipes are rated by people who have tried the recipe.
    Glad you rested up a bit. I keep plugging away and although slow I am seeing progress which is always so nice! Have a great weekend! Love Hallmark movies!

  9. Rain, with the rain, our grass was pretty tall. It's cold here, but no snow yet.

  10. Sam I Am, my Grandma on my mother's side always baked frozen bread from the store. I remember it being soft inside, she'd cut it with an electric knife.

  11. The roll recipe in this you will find in the link I'm going to share with you is one that I tried back in 1979 and our family has used no other since then. It came from the big, orange Betty Crocker cookbook that I had received as a wedding gift. It's the second recipe down in the post. If you end up trying it, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

  12. Rebecca, thank you so much. I need to get some potatoes mashed and definitely try it. How many rolls do you get in the batch?


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