Sunday, November 26, 2017

Load of Wood ~ Freezing Ginger

It was time to cut more wood.   We cut up rafter boards, a few beams and about half of the pile of short boards I pulled nails from.   We put another dent into cleaning up the barn mess, and the wood turned into a blessing for us.  

I was a few days late for this step, but the garlic was drained, half the liquid saved for salads, and the remainder heated with honey and poured back over the garlic. It will sit another 3-4 weeks.

The weather was heating up to the low 50's, and sunny.  Beautiful sunshine.   In fact, it was so beautiful, that we later took off on a motorcycle ride.  We passed about 5-6 other die hard riders Friday too.  

Saturday, it was the OSU-Michigan game, so we didn't get anything done.  It was also a day for a get together with my side of the family.   

I froze fresh organic ginger for winter for the first time.  I have dehydrated some in the past, but from what I have read, frozen will taste better.  I don't want to be home in a snow storm, and not have any.  Or have a sick kiddo and need it.  I simply wrapped it up with peeling on and will just peel as needed.  I will be stocking up more when it's on sale again.  It's organic too.

Guess what???

Poof!  After almost a year of not laying one single egg, the two of the three araucanas are laying again.  I was seriously about to drive them the one hour drive where they'd become stew meat  But alas they have proven their right to stay.  And some of the barred rocks and buff orpingtons are laying again too.  During the last two weeks or so, we were getting one egg a day.  I told Hubby the araucanas must be "Christmas" chickens.  It seems to be the only time of year they lay us eggs.

Last night we got home when it was getting dark out, so we plan to unload the wood today, but also have plans to cut another load.  We have a long to-do list, so I'm thinking we'll be spreading it out over the next week.  


  1. That's great about the eggs :) And thanks for the tip, I didn't know I could freeze ginger, I hate wasting it, and my dehydrator is broken.

  2. Rain, I just found out about freezing ginger, so I'm giving it a try. I am told you just peel, grate or slice as you need it. Yes, I am so happy about the eggs.

  3. Our pullets, from the hatch this past spring, started off like gang busters, but now have slowed a bit. And we're not even into really cold winter weather. I'm already going a little easy on using eggs in my daily menus so I'm sure to have enough for Christmas baking. That one year, a few years ago, when I had to buy eggs at Christmas time made me know I never wanted to have to do that again. Even the "organic" ones I purchased couldn't hold a candle to our home grown ones!

    You'd better watch out. One day you're going to realize you have all of the barn wood and miscellaneous materials all cleaned up! And won't that be NICE??!

  4. We've frozen ginger for a long time. We started because it goes bad so quickly. All I do is wash it and put it in a freezer bag. Then when I want to use some, I take it out of the freezer bag and grate it still frozen. By the time I go to use it, the part I've grated is thawed. Works well.
    Headed to bed early tonight. It's cold and damp here for some reason, and huddling beneath my sherpa lined blanket sounds GREAT to me. LOL
    Prayers for a great week for everyone, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  5. Mama Pea, I started thinking about the egg usage here when I brought all those in and "boom" the kids ate them all for breakfast. I'll have to stash them from now on. Yes, it will be a grand day when all that barn is cleaned up.

  6. RB, this is so good to know about the ginger. Thank you so much for your tips. I really don't like using it dehydrated.


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