Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Herbal Book ~ Tidbits ~ Boring Stuff

I borrowed this book from the library.  I found a few good recipes to try.  I'll have to wait for spring and summer for a few of them though.  Just sharing in case you haven't seen this book. It's a beginner book, but I have not made a balm with chickweed and plantain yet.  That is first on the list.  I have chickweed salve that I purchased, and I LOVE it.  I hope it doesn't turn out to be a rock hard "balm."

 (Russian Giant - what a mess!)

Tuesday, I took some time in our 65°F (and sunshine all day) warm up, and weeded the garlic.  About 90% of it anyway. We've had lots of rain, and with the lack of snow cover, it's full of thistle already.  I found five of the giant bulbs rotten.  I replanted, but it may be too late.  The ground is very very wet, so I'm hoping the sun and heat dried it up a bit.  I also replanted the Creole variety - about 9-10 didn't come up.  Not sure yet on the last variety.  I'll check after next week.

And guess what's arriving tomorrow?  More rain. Today's high is 47°F.

I am going to wait until shotgun week has ended to finish the weeding.  When I heard the first shot I saw trees move not far from me.  I'm pretty sure I know who is shooting out in the woods, and they are not safe people.  I went in until Hubby got home.  Got myself a good dose (double dose) of vitamin D, then a dose of iron.   

You bet we went on a motorcycle ride.  I so much enjoyed seeing the beautiful Christmas lights on a motorcycle ride in late November.  I smiled all the way home.

I spent one day, up until noon, getting my last minute health insurance points.  Oye, what a mess of hoops we have to jump to keep our current cost the same!  I could have worked on barn wood, cleaned inside, canned, but the points have to be in before the end of December (and once you complete a "course" they can take up to 15 days to add to your account).  This meant watching several, hour long videos on financial tips, and health stuff.


I'm glad that job is done for this year. I got a set of boot cuffs made while waiting for the videos to end.   (Yawn)  You can't just walk away and let it play either.  They spontaneously stop the slide show and give you quizzes.  

Although I think we are overdue for some snow, I am enjoying hanging my laundry out in sun and wind and warmer weather.  I thought you'd enjoy a funny photo, because I haven't taught myself to knit socks yet, you get to see just a few pairs of my Christmas socks (ha ha ha!).


  1. Greetings!
    It was in the 50’s yesterday for us but cloudy. We’re still loving it!
    On your next trip to the library, look for a book by Jan Berry. She’s the Nerdy Farm Wife. (dot com) Her new book has great recipes for balms that aren’t hard. I made my own with lavender, chamomile, comfrey and yarrow. It is SO good! My foot problem is gone! I can’t recommend her enough!
    I hope you get some relief from rain. If we get weather over 40*, I think I may take a page from your book and hang clothes out.

  2. I'm hoping to be able to hang laundry on the line this weekend - I miss that wonderful smell and have flannel and cotton sheets to launder. As boring as that stuff is, it's nice they offer the option to keep your insurance costs in check. I am insured through work, but they change 'up' every year - this is the fourth insurance company in as many years. I do wish we could all enjoy the same insurance as our legislators. Wouldn't that be nice? Love your socks!!!!

  3. I love your Christmas socks!!! I haven't ventured into knitting socks yet, too scared lol...I need to get an herbal book like that in my library at home.

  4. Susan, I love the smell of my laundry when it is dried outside. Love it. Insurance and the medical fields rip folks off their hard earned money.


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