Friday, November 24, 2017

Best Thanksgiving Ever

I am ever so grateful for my health, my family's health, and well being.

Guess what I did the day before Thanksgiving?

Nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  Literally.  Other than getting up at the crack of dawn (5am) and making breakfast, I pampered myself all day (aside from animal chores).

Thanksgiving day?  Ha!  I was up sipping coffee, enjoying the sunrise, while Hubby made us omelets.  Then we took a drive to visit Hubby's family before we enjoyed our own Thanksgiving.   

We ate out.  Yes, can you believe it?!  There is a nice restaurant (about an hour away) famous for their Thanksgiving dinner, and reservations are required.  I'll admit, it was not the same as homemade, but pretty close.  We met up with one daughter, another had to work.

After the meal, the girls all jumped in their sister's new car at the restaurant and carpooled to go "Black Friday" shopping.

Hubby said he saw a huge change in my mood. He was telling everyone later that I was up singing and dancing and dressing up.  I was too.

Best Thanksgiving ever, because Hubby sang to me in the car.  He serenaded me all the way home.  

Total bliss.  

I'm up to stoke the fire, and let Hubby sleep in, but we may not need a fire today.  The weather is warming up a bit today. Yay!


  1. Good for you (and your hubby) for engineering this wonderful sounding Thanksgiving! I know you did it, to a large extent, to wipe out memories of last Thanksgiving (good idea!), and I can imagine how lovely it must have been for you to have such a carefree, happy, enjoyable day! Good goin', girl!

  2. Sounds a lovely family time you all had.

  3. That sounded like a wonderful day!

  4. What a great day! I’m so jealous of your singing husband! When we were runners, in a land far, far away, I would threaten to sing to my husband to get him running when he started to slow down. Amazingly, he never took me up on it. In fact, he pretty much begged me not to! �� Debbie

  5. Oooh, that does sound like bliss! :) Happy Thanksgiving Kristina! You said you did Nothing. Nada. forgot "Bubkis". Lol...I'm doing something similar for Christmas. We will stay home because we just hate leaving the house, but I'm planning a Chinese food dinner! Got the wok the other day too!

  6. Oh Mama Pea, you are so right about wiping out those bad memories. We are so happy with our choices this time around, and we are more energetic too. Thanks.

  7. Rain, getting Chinese on Christmas day is a tradition for many households. For us I think cooking it up big on Christmas Eve sounds good, and then eating leftovers the next day. I am still not sure if my older kids will be working or not. The older three girls all work at stores that don't close over holidays.

  8. Awesome your getting out, and good for you to get some down time :)

  9. Ours was rather quiet. I'm thankful because so much of the pain in my shoulders and arms has subsided to a very tolerable degree.
    It was just going to be Bro Tom and I this year, so the day before Thanksgiving, I made the dressing and the sweet potato casserole topped with granola and Splenda Brown Sugar (I'm diabetic).
    Thanksgiving Day, I slept until noon. Got up. Got a cuppa coffee.
    At 2pm, I put the dressing in a 9x13 dish, layered the turkey slices on the top (from a special parcel of turkey slices that I got and froze last year). Covered both the dressing and sweet potatoes with foil, put in the oven for 30 minutes, removed the foil and baked for another 30 minutes, and viola - Thanksgiving. It was very relaxed and tasty.
    Took a nap about 4pm. Got up and ate leftovers. Yep, a very relaxed Thanksgiving.
    Prayers everyone's having a great weekend, and a quiet safe one too.
    God bless.

  10. RB, your dish sounds rather good. I'm glad you had a relaxing holiday as well.


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