Saturday, October 28, 2017

Random Tidbits ~ Snow Showers

So I made sweet potato ginger brownies for the first time.   I used a recipe online using coconut flour (Civilized Caveman Cooking).  I have to admit, it was not our favorite.  Everyone still ate it, but I was hoping for a "wow" taste so I could freeze some, utilizing the sweet potatoes.  One daughter said, "hm, they are interesting."  Ha ha ha!  They have the top like a brownie should, but they tasted more like a texture of a cake.  Moist.  Healthy too.

I took a day off from the garden (more on that later), and went through half the stack of library books I have right now.  Oh my.  I put a few on my "wish list" and found some Christmas gift ideas for 2018.    The above photo came from one of the books, and I just had to snap a photo.  Ya' know, considering I was bitten.

I took the day off from "hard work" but still did laundry before the rain arrived.  I also made a double batch of sweet potato chili.

 Why you ask?  Well, we had our "Vet Tech" in training Daughter over for a 21st birthday celebration (Army Daughter joined too).  Birthday Daughter requested it and is too broke to make it on her own, and of course I have sweet potatoes.  It's a family favorite and they will fight over the leftovers.  I sent some home with both girls, in canning jars.  And I sent home some homemade buttermilk cornbread.

My "Grad" Daughter baked her sister some birthday cupcakes with my Grandma's frosting recipe.  The kids love to play with all the cake decorating supplies she handed down to us.  I actually learned how to decorate cakes by simply watching my Mom.

Another magazine arrived.  It's not my subscription, but I get to read it too.

I know this post is mind-numbing.  Nothing spectacularly interesting.  It rained all night, so that limits my outdoor work.  Hubby pulled an "all-nighter" and isn't even home yet this morning, as I post this.  He'll sleep most of the day, so that puts more limits on splitting wood. 

Hm.  I've just about given up on the "extreme clean" of my utility room.  Hm.  I have some areas in the kitchen that need deep cleaned, and more carpets to clean, but I'll need quiet projects until about 2 or 3pm. 

It's a brisk 37°F this morning, with "snow" showers.

 My writing room, or our "study" is pretty cold.  There are no heaters in there, so I may toss some wood in the wood stove today.

Have a blessed weekend.


  1. I need to try that sweet potato chili..I keep saying that! LOL! Happy Birthday to your daughter and those cupcakes are unbelievable! You have a talented family. I can barely frost a cake at all. What spider bit you? I must have missed that episode...I remember you talking about it and being in the hospital but never heard the details. I have pest control as there are many down here!
    The magazine looks was 27 degrees when I got up this morning! I managed to get all my plants in and dug up my herbs yesterday and now need to repot. Too bad about the 'brownies' but the only way to find out is to try it. I made a 'healthy' soup last week and it was tasteless and they wonder why 'healthy' food gets a bad wrap! LOL! I like Ellie Krieger on the Food Network website....she has some great healthy and tasty recipes plus I like recipes people have tried and rated....saves time and money. The heat is on here for sure! Stay warm....this cold is early for here. I wonder what the Farmer's Almanac said about this winter?

  2. Thanks Sam I Am. I use the recipe for chili found online with Real Simple. With a spoon of sour cream it's delicious. I was bitten by a spider, most likely a brown recluse. I have set spider traps everywhere, and I am putting linens and winter gloves and hats in plastic bags (in drawers). I agree, I like to try recipes that have had good reviews too.

  3. Belated Birthday wishes to your daughter. Those cupcakes looked amazing, she has a real talent for cake decorating.

  4. I was trying to find that chili recipe on the real simple site. Is it a veggie chili? Thanks :)

  5. Kristina, I look forward to every one of your posts. With over a million 'hits' I don't see why you worry about being "mind-numbing,"
    Stay well & warm. Sandy in California

  6. Hi Kristina :) "Cupcake" daughter definitely has some talent. I remember seeing one of her other cakes in the last little while and wished I could decorate like that! I have tried and it would make one of those typical fails on the internet lol...I'm exhausted lately, not much going on here...laundry is piling up...I plan to sleep 12 hours tonight then get back to myself again!

  7. Kristen, I use this recipe: It is vegetarian. The site didn't have so many ads on it when I found the recipe years ago, so beware, there are lots of ads now (but the chili is very good).

  8. Rain, we have been tired here too, but have to get back to work today.


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