Monday, October 23, 2017

Putting the Garden to Bed

It's been a long few weeks of tearing out the garden.  For me it's been a tough haul.  Due to unfortunate circumstances, I could not keep up with maintaining it this summer, so the aftermath was this:

 There are green pepper plants in that mess. (Before)

Same area (in progress)

My sad looking pea fence (before).

Done!  Still moving on through the garden.

The front of that area is where my potatoes were planted (before).

 Done!  Again...still moving on through the garden.

 The very last of the potatoes were dug up.

Larger Tomato patch all done and ready for winter.  I just have to get my pie pan and metal pole put away for next year.

Rough, tough, and difficult to totally remove before winter.  I'd like to post some pristine looking photos, but this is reality.  I can't do everything, nor can my family.  However, I am sticking to it.

"Biker Sally" is a bit slumped over after a somewhat good garden season.  She is buried in foxtail and ragweed, but with daily diligence, taking rest days, and hard work, she will be dug out and put to bed.

It is taking me a lot longer than previous years.  Achy muscles are now on rest-mode.  After noon today that is.  Rain is arriving. 


  1. Kristina, thank you for this post because if nothing else, it makes me feel better about the job my clean-up in the garden and getting it all ready for bed has been. I had lots of green, healthy growth from some kind of grain seed that was left in the mulch I used. It took hold and tried to take over everything before I could stay ahead of it.

    Considering your unforeseen health issues this summer, it's no wonder your garden was a struggle. Next year will be a breeze for you after this one. Kudos to you for persevering on the clean-up. I know it can't be easy, but whatever you can get done now will make it all easier next spring. Hang in there, girl!

  2. You have done so well, such hard work but will be worth it in the end.

  3. The only good thing that can be said about our gardens this fall is that the comparison between the before and after is stupendous! Mine is right there with yours, only smaller. Looks like you made a lot of headway though.

  4. I completely understand how a garden can get out of control. Instead of going for a smaller plot, I now have 5acres and have to be more clever than I have been in the past. I'm looking at Permaculture and a no dig system as I'm just not as fit as I was ;)

  5. Mama Pea, I was contemplating whether to show this mess of a garden or not. I am making headway though. It's just slow going.

  6. Thanks Susan, I am pretty caught up with flower beds and the herb garden, so it's full throttle with the big garden now. I sort of needed the rain again anyway, as the ground was getting very dry and difficult to weed yesterday.

  7. Yarrow, I didn't even plant a few veggies this year too. I just hope I can get it ready before the snow flies.

  8. That is a lot of hard backbreaking work you did! This winter you will be so glad you did it and especially next Spring! Good job!


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