Saturday, October 21, 2017

From Pile to File Recipes (a keeper) ~ Carrot and Taragon Tart with Sherry

Conversation while taking the laundry off the clothesline.

Me:  "Honey have you seen what I've gotten done in the garden lately?" (which is a small start)

Hubby: "Yeah." (looking out at the garden)

Hubby: "Do we really have to take all that out?"

Me:  "Well we can't very well till it in."

Hubby: (after a long pause and sigh) "I guess we can't" (lowers head)

Lots of hard work in the garden, and I imagine over the weekend.  We'll see what gets done I guess.  Potatoes have to cure for about 10 days before going in our potato bin.  This puts me in a bind for space.  

No less, I dug the remaining Kennebec and more sweet potatoes on Friday, and brought in another 30#.  My kitchen will be a mess for another 10 days plus.  I guess I can live with that.  I just hope the food sharks (dogs) don't run off with any during the process. 

The one thing I did not thing about - where am I storing the sweet potatoes?  Yikes!  I better whip up a plan while they cure.

More to dig yet this weekend.  Some crazy lady planted a boat load of them this year.  Only about 3/4 of the garden yet to weed and yank.  "Only" makes it sound much easier.

A bit of broccoli and collards made their way to the overstuffed freezer.  I am keeping up with keeping up so far.

In the process of cleaning out old magazines (I'm sure I'll find another stash somewhere), I found a recipe that I totally forgot about.  It uses carrots, farm fresh eggs, tarragon from the herb garden, homemade plain yogurt, and has an all Einkorn flour crust.

Carrot and Tarragon Tart with Sherry.  The recipe is from Eating Well.  They have it online, and I just used my garden goodies and switched the flour choice.  I do not have a "tart" baking dish, so I used my quiche dish.  Oh, and I did not use "reduced fat" cheese.  I used organic cheddar shreds.

The taste test was completed.   Delicious!  I also tested to see how this reheated, using the oven.  

I have been looking for recipes to take veggie dishes up a notch at gatherings. We are plum tired of green bean casserole.

It's a "keeper" recipe.

I told "Grad" daughter that I needed a photo of King and Zuri to update my blog header.  She responded with a long, hysterical laugh.  Hyper King and lazy Zuri.  "I may have to photo shop them together," she says laughing more.


  1. Your tart looks delicious! And that's quite a potato haul. Why "cure" them? Just curious.

  2. In a post not too long ago, you said you made an all einkorn pizza crust which was a big hit at your house. Yesterday I made the one on page 174 of Carla Bartolucci's book Einkorn - Recipes for Nature's Original Wheat. Wonder if that's the same one you used. Hope not, 'cause my dough turned out dry and flavorless. It's the first time I've had einkorn flour in any recipe taste anything but rich, full flavored and yummy. If you didn't use that particular recipe, where did you find yours, please.

  3. Rain, once potatoes come out of the ground, they are rinsed off and need to dry before storing. I have to figure out where to store them now. I have a potato / onion bin, but it may only big large enough for the red and white potatoes.

  4. Mama Pea, if you go to the recipe at Eating Well (, the crust part of the recipe calls for 1 cup all purpose and 1/2 cup whole wheat (along with butter, oil, and plain yogurt etc). I used all einkorn flour and it turned out delicious. I could have used the pizza dough recipe too, but this one used fresh herbs and some yogurt. I wanted to try it too. Yum.

  5. I don't know how you do it all!! Even in a teeny tiny garden like mine, there is lots of work.

  6. Henny Penny, I took the day off Saturday, and I hope I won't regret it. I have much to clear out of it, and it's not a small garden. Yikes.

  7. Thanks Kristina :) How long do yours typically last in a root-cellar type of atmosphere? I don't have a root cellar and next year I'm quadrupling my potato planting...maybe more than that. But our basement is cool in one of the rooms.

  8. Rain, a basement should work. I do not have a root cellar nor a basement. I'm at a disadvantage for storing potatoes. My kitchen tends to be on the cool side, and utility room (so I'm storing in a bin in the house),and hope to have them last all winter. We have plans to dig a root cellar, but the barn debris tops the big job list right now. I have the family, equipment to do it. I just need the supplies and the right time when the helping folks are not at their full time jobs. Also, I have put bowls of potatoes in a spare refrigerator and that worked one winter too.

  9. The tart looks delicious and always a bonus when it can be reheated well. Burlap/hessian sacks may work for storing the potatoes.

  10. mamasmercantile, thanks, I have a few burlap bags and may use them too.


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