Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday's Finish and One Liners

I finished the purple baby blanket.  I thought I only had one row of diamonds to crochet, but had 2 rows.

 Thank you so much Susan for helping me find the yarn.  It'll be priced for sale today (hopefully).

Current library loot.

Current burrito fillers - pinto beans with onion, millet with swiss chard and green onion, and homemade sausage (and eggs of course).

Rain returned, and I used my dryer for the very first time since last winter.

 Deep clean project completed - night stand.

Possible winter time project for me.

Said good-bye to a few magazines.

Cute idea for a large Thanksgiving gathering.

 Why no one is allowed over that is a tiny bit sick (one of 5 bills so far from last illness).


  1. My goodness what a large amount to pay for a medical bill. That in itself would make me ill. Love the idea for cutlery holders, a nice way to be thankful.

  2. Love that baby blanket and the color is gorgeous...I'm not even a purple gal but that shade is really pretty especially with the white edging. Where do you sell them and how do you figure out how much to charge?
    Good for you! I got my dryer fixed and it has really freed up my time to get other things done around here. I finally realized I can't get my priorities done if I spend all my time doing things that my machinery or other tools could do for me or at least make it easier on me. YOur books all look interesting.

  3. mamasmercantile, it is a large bill, but not nearly as large as the ones I received from winter of 2016. I'm still paying them. Ugh. The medical world today is making billions off sick people. And we have insurance too.

  4. Thanks Sam I Am, I am still trying to price the blanket yet today. The last one I sold went for $75.00. Labor can make the price too high, and most won't buy. I sell at the Farmer's Market (this year we didn't so I am saving up for next season), but this year I'm opening an Etsy store unless I can find a consignment store locally. Yeah, it was due time to remove some lint from my laundry, so all went into the dryer. It was the first time in a year, but I'm back to using the clothesline again. The sun came out after two dreary, rainy days.

  5. Oh gosh those hospital bills are crazy. I'm happy for medicare here, but still, the services generally suck.

  6. Rain, I had to listen to my daughter complain about her dental bills, so I showed her that one single bill I got. Yeah, the cost is ruining the budget.


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