Friday, September 1, 2017

Finished! Sunrise and the upcoming Labor Day Weekend

Crocheted/Granny square washcloth is completed. One project checked off the list.

I've been labeling jars, filling the pantry, and rotating out older supplies.  It's a good feeling to put something in the cupboards.

I was lucky to snap this sunrise photo about 1/2 hour before the actual sunrise this morning.  I'm glad I did.  At the time it was to be up, the clouds later took over.  Just beautiful.  Sigh....

In the past, we've taken the kiddos camping over Labor Day weekend.  It's crowded, loud and not very nice, so we are home this year.  Hubby has a long list of outdoor work to catch up on, and he was not happy when I told him I was canning Saturday morning (again, or Sunday), but I'd be done fairly quickly.  We are tackling our jungle and possibly splitting wood.  And maybe digging out some barn wood. Who knows.  He changes his mind often, but I do know the weed whipping will be done.  I miss my beautiful flower beds and now we can sit on the porch(s) comfortably.

I continue to rest my foot up on a chair (swelling is down on leg with spider bites, but not completely).  So, in between work, I get a bit more "porch" time.  It's healing nicely so far, by the way.  I am thankful for the new doctor.

Mr. Fox has not returned.  I let the hennies out yesterday, and 5 escaped the fence.  I am so lazy about checking the fence too.  I had hoped they would sense the fox danger and stay in the fence.  But no....they have to be a pain in the bum.

This weather here has gotten me all depressed. Although we would rather camp with less crowds, I am wanting to go camping badly, sit around the fire and sip a beverage, roast mallows....sigh....I'll get over it, but still.

The winter prep list is long, and I'm starting to freak out.  We need a financial blessing so I can check the big jobs off.  Wouldn't that be nice?  To hire help to get big jobs off the list?  Like remove that ginormous barn ruble pile?


  1. I know what you mean....after spending $500 my roof still leaks and I realize now I need a rubber roof put on it and evidently there isn't anyone in the area that knows how. All in good time but I too have things to do before Winter. It is finally out of the 90's so I can work outside....I can't handle the heat and humidity but now it's cooler I need to get out and get things done! I hope you have a nice weekend and you live on an can certainly have a campfire and roast marshmallows there! Have a great weekend!

  2. Sam I Am, we had plans for a homestead campfire, but the wind is terrible here.


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