Monday, August 21, 2017

First Ride in a Few Weeks

Hubby came home from working midnight, and went straight to repairing my back brakes on the car.  In the meantime, I pulled and pulled and got my motorcycle boots on.  My feet are still swollen from the meds, but are getting better.  I got the boots on, and Hubby had the bike out and washed up.  I sat on the porch with my feet up, hoping to take more swelling down.  His only wish that day was for me to go on a ride with him. 

We did.  And we came home with sore rumps.  Ha ha ha!   Our Sunday went very quickly.  I did a bit of handiwork on the porch, but it was pretty hot and humid.

Today, I'm back in the kitchen, so I'm up early.  My spider bites are starting to itch, although the larger has a ways to heal. 

I may send a kiddo out to double check the green beans.  I saw a few more, and rain is on the way again.

I am working on my Christmas list making this week, as well as writing.  The sewing machine will sit for a day or so.  I have to get next month's bill paying calendar organized too.  I now have a fitness calendar too, but will start that later.  I am back to yoga stretching, but not a full blown work out. 

The garden calls, so that is first today. The chickens too.  I'm ordering a few more books from the library and hope to view a few tutorials.

Our Vet Tech daughter came to visit yesterday, as well as a friend of the family.  I felt awful my kitchen is in disarray, but neither one cared.  I got to visit with our 4 legged grandson too.  He's such a ham, and such a good dog.  I found out the husband to Hubby's sister is not doing well.  He's drinking every day since her passing.  I feel horrible for him, and hope he can find projects to keep busy, so he can maintain a healthy lifestyle, while getting through his pain.

We are starting to think about our winter wood supply.  I pains me to think of wood spiders, but it has to be done.  And soon.  I need to purchase a new pair of work boots.  I wore mine out this past spring.

Goldenrod is starting to bloom.  I'll be watching it to pick, dehydrate and possibly blanch for winter.  I need a bit more research.



  1. I'm glad you went for a ride! Wood spiders sound kind of you only heat with wood? Our rental cottage is like a leaky boat so even if we decided to install a wood stove to heat, it would be so inefficient. We're biding our time here and pay (astronomically) for Hydro until we have our own place that we can really well insulate. We have a fireplace but that's an energy sponge in itself.

  2. Hubby gave up his bike when he started with his first bout of cancer. We used to enjoy riding. I am so allergic to goldenrod, oh my I don't even want to think about that plant, lol... Praying for your sisters hubby and you to get back to %100. Hugs, lJ

  3. Good that you went out for a ride, that must have been a lot of fun. Warm wishes to you and best wishes!

  4. Rain, we have electric heat, and wood is a back up, but both at the same time or just burning wood saves us a ton of money. It keeps me physically fit all winter too.

  5. Lady Jane, thanks for your tip on Goldenrod. I have been asking different people about it. From what I read it causes no allergies, but that is not the case, huh? Thank you for the prayers.

  6. Blogoratti, thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, the ride was so relaxing, and my feet are less swollen and my spider bite on my foot is healing very quickly. I am slowly getting back to my crazy busy life again. I just won't go 2 weeks without riding if I can help it, ha ha!

  7. Other than fire ant bites, spider bites have to be the worst. Have you tried Rhuli Gel to help with the itching? You can get it almost anywhere. Praying it subsides soon.
    Seems like weather is heading towards Fall here in southern North Carolina too. We're seeing goldenrod and leaves on some trees are starting to turn. Next week they're predicting temps in the 80s. Can you imagine looking forward to temps in the 80s? But then we've been in the dry 90s for weeks, so 80s sound pretty good.
    Sincere prayers for your BIL. Everyone deals with loss in a different way. One way to start is clearing out old things (if one is ready), so one can start over again, brand new. Another way is to volunteer, to help others going through the same thing, or worse sometimes. Prayers for his comfort and that he finds "his" way to go forward valiantly.
    Prayers everyone's having a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  8. Thank you RB, I have been applying my homemade comfrey salve to the outer edges of the spider bites. So far it's helping reduce the itching and speed up the healing of both bites. The weather here is strange too.


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