Wednesday, August 23, 2017

First day of School ~ Ketchup/dirty apron day ~ Quinoa

First off today, it's the first day of school and this Mom didn't wake up until 9am.  I feel so awful.  I had a busy day yesterday, but Grad Daughter was up and took my traditional bus leaving the house photos.  Her bus picks up at 7:04am this year, and normally I am up.

I woke up to an almost empty coffee pot and then realized I missed her getting on the bus.  I feel terrible.  Oye.  Oh so terrible.  At least Hubby already had coffee made, and I already had breakfast made.  That should have helped ease her morning.

Yesterday, my day started with chopping up and coring 10-11 pounds of tomatoes.  Our tomato year is poor this year. they are much smaller and we have very little compared to last year.

Even so, I canned this season's first batch of homemade ketchup.  The house smelled wonderful.  It's an all day job when you reduce anything tomato, so I had some handiwork on hand to babysit the simmering pot.

It's a good apron day when you have to wash it right after you are done in the kitchen.   I had tomato splatters from pouring it into the sauce maker.

While tomatoes simmered for ketchup, I sliced up a bowl of grape tomatoes and pear heirloom tomatoes.  I mixed in some chickpeas, fresh herb garden parsley, garlic, lemon juice and feta (I didn't have lime juice), and wa-la!  I added some cooked and cooled quinoa and some crumbled feta cheese.  Yum!  I delicious cold salad for any time of the day.  I think it could use a bit of cumin the next time I make it.  Yum.  My picky vegetarian loved it.


  1. Well, I am sure your daughter understood that you must have needed that sleep-in! I had the same thing for lunch as you had for dinner. I love this time of year, where making grain salads is so easy and delicious.

  2. Susan, I hope she understands. It's not normal for me to sleep in that late. I usually wake up with Hubby's alarm for work. Yes, the salads are so good.

  3. Little Homestead, it's a bus for 10th grade (high school). We live out in the boonies, but not far from the school either.

  4. I'm sure your daughter understood since you've been feeling so under-the-weather lately. Would have been a cause for you to feel bad if she were much younger, but first day getting on the school bus isn't a new thing for her. And your other daughter did a fine job of capturing the event with the picture.

    It's been years and years since I've had enough of a tomato crop to make ketchup and my husband still misses it. :o(

  5. You must have been tired! I often wish I could sleep in but my goats would fire me for sure. Your ketchup looks lovely. I've been working on pizza sauce, cooking it down in my crock pot!

  6. Mama Pea, I am so thrilled to get some canned. If we get more, I will freeze some and hopefully get sauce made.

  7. Leigh, thankfully, I have a good supply of last year's pizza sauce. I hope to get more tomatoes though. I do miss our dairy goats. Some day I may get one or two again.

  8. You can only so so much. I'm sure you will get it tomorrow and all will be fine. The ketchup sounds good and so does the salad.

  9. Thanks Sam I Am. The salad was very good.


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