Friday, July 28, 2017

Rain arrived....

Humidity arrived.  Then rain arrived, which we needed. But we got too much.  I think we may get more rain today.

I took advantage of being indoors, and started a crock pot of  black beans with onion and garlic.  We use this for snacking, adding to a breakfast burrito, etc.  Once they are cooked, I mash them.  I have cut this recipe in half now.

Cucumbers continue to roll in. Despite some getting mold on at the wet end of the garden.

Using only the best ingredients.....

...I canned this season's first batch of sweet pickle relish. In half-pints, due to the shrinking family.   A happy moment for us.  The girls don't like the chopping part, but they sure do eat it a lot (homemade tartar sauce, slaw, pasta dishes, tuna salad, homemade thousand island dressing etc.)  We use it a lot and had very small cucumber harvest last year.  I had Graduate Daughter fill and carry the canner pot for me.

Oh, my kitchen tables are a mess.  Zucchini, yellow squash, a few lingering smaller cucumbers, walnuts (yes they are not all cracked yet)'s "messy house" time of year if you garden/can/freeze etc.  The crocky's never seem to be back where they belong.  I use them often this time of year.

And for those burritos, I mixed up some einkorn dough...

 ...which you have to have a lot of patience with to roll out and get into your pan...

... one dozen einkorn flour tortillas made.  Mixing and rolling the balls is the easy part.  Rolling it between parchment paper, and getting it off without tearing it is the hard part.  Still.  We prefer the better grain for these.  

I should have taken a picture of Hubby's burrito.  I picked the only 4 ripe pear heirloom tomatoes, and he topped his burrito with black beans, scrambled eggs, jalapeno, and those yummy tomatoes.

When Hubby and I deep cleaned the bedroom, wiping down all the woodwork, I put everything from the dresser into a basket.  We've enjoying seeing it so clean (two lamps and one long doily), so I'll be emptying that basket, but nothing will go back on the dresser.  Photos will be placed on shelves elsewhere, and our first "piece of the rock" we brought home from the island will go into the flower bed.  It's freeing to see it so clean, and a big job completed.  I still need to clean ceiling fans and light fixtures, but that's for another day. 

I called my doctor.  The office is closed Thursday and Friday.  I didn't want to mess with going to Urgent care.  So.  We wait.


  1. Here I am again...trying to 'catch up' with all you've been up to! It's motivating to read your posts and glad someone is having some garden produce....even with my chicken wire the deer reach over and eat my pitiful amounts....oh well....maybe someday I will be in a position to garden again. Meanwhile, I will follow your cleaning regimen! You go girl but carefully!

  2. I find having all those extra pieces of equipment out and ready during harvest season does sure make for a messy looking kitchen. But with just the two of us and a big kitchen table (and a lot of counter space, but never enough!), we can usually find a place to sit and eat. When we have time to sit and eat! Don't cha just love this time of year because of the great feeling of putting by so much wonderful food for the coming year?

  3. Hi Kristina! I'm sorry it's come to you having to see a doctor. I'm like you, I refuse to go to the emergency unless I just can't handle the pain anymore...I hope you get to see your doc soon. Your tortillas look great!

  4. Sam I Am, we lost tomato plants to rabbits and other plants to too much rain. Thankfully, we are getting something from it.

  5. Mama Pea, I do feel pretty proud, but I wish the kids would drop their lousy attitude about the work involved. Some day...some day...

  6. Thanks Rain. There is only one tortilla left. They go fast, and Vet Tech Daughter showed up at dinner.

  7. Continuing in prayer for you.
    Amazing to see the work you get done despite the shoulder pain which I know so well.
    Consider what you'd do if one of your children were injured like this. Then do it for yourself. k
    With love.
    God bless.


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