Monday, July 24, 2017

Cucumbers ~ Yellow Squash ~ Cleaning

The cucumbers are starting to roll in this year.  Last year we didn't get many.

I pulled out my old recipes and whipped up a Fresh Dill and Cucumber Salad.  Hubby and I love it.  I have fresh dill that grows back in the flower bed every year thankfully.

The yellow straight neck squash is not rolling in.  We took advantage of what we currently had.  Many of the plants are getting mold from our current weather.

We made yellow squash patties.  Hubby shredded all the squash, and even cooked them for me.  There is no secret to our year after year recipe.  It's from allrecipes.  We love them!  Top them with sour cream.  Hubby loves his with some chopped jalapeno peppers in his.  We use organic flour and organic corn meal in ours.

Hubby helped do yard work until the mower belt quit on him (again).  He weed whipped, pulled weeds from the garden, helped me pick vegetables from the garden, helped with dinner, and he started out the morning with helping me deep clean in our bedroom (heavy lifting and moving of furniture to clean carpet, walls, wall trim etc.).  All on a Sunday.  It was still pretty wet, so most of the weeding remains, but he was a big help.  We ended the evening by binge watching netflix, and eating dinner in bed. It was too hot to be on the porch anyway.

It rained while we were eating dinner, so it's pretty wet again today.  No worries.  The Good Lord provided me a table full of vegetables to work with today.  Which reminds me.  I need to go and at least check on my kale and collards before the kitchen is in full swing today.

I know I will need a good amount of morning coffee this week.  How will your week be?   I guess for me, it also depends on weather. 


  1. I love cucumbers and dill. Unfortunately, Bro Tom doesn't like dill and he's allergic to cucumbers, so I substitute with zucchini and leave the dill out, and he'll eat it.

    A long time ago I had a recipe for yellow squash fritters. I suppose you could also use shredded zucchini too. A recipe similar to mine is here:
    The difference is I use self-rising flour (for lift) and sharp cheddar cheese (for that extra cheese flavor), and fry it up in butter rather than oil. Yum!!! I've also heard you can bake these, but I've never tried that.
    God bless.

  2. RB, thanks. I would love to try them baked.

  3. I printed off the recipe...thanks! Also, thank you to RB as I printed that one too! You and your hubby make a good team! Cucumber salad sounds so refreshing this time of year.


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