Saturday, July 1, 2017

Crisis in the Chicken Run

The weather was hot, humid and downright miserable.  Mother Nature kept teasing us with a sprinkle here, a sprinkle there...

...and dark clouds everywhere.  Ha.  Sounds like a poem.

I had just finished up talking to a man who wanted a barn beam (his son lived on this property prior to us and other owners), when I headed out to the chickens.  Yeah I know, everyone wants the barn wood now that it's down.  But this guy is a nice guy (someone we actually know), so Hubby will talk to him.

Anyway, I wanted to lock the ladies and "stud muffin" up tight before the storm winds rolled through.  Although early, I wasn't gonna do it later when it got really bad. 

When I arrived to the run, I noticed the run door closed, but chickens missing. Youngest Daughter opened the run so I could run errands in the big city today.  She failed to place the hook in the catch, so the wind closed the door on them, locking them all outside (with no protection, grr).

I opened the door, stepped my left foot back (in muck boots), and landed it side ways into a dirt bath hole, tripping and spraining that ankle.  I had my good watch on, and good jeans, and I was falling towards the rock that holds the run ramp in place.  I put my left hand out to try and catch myself, but....

(see that dirt hole to the upper right of the rock?)

...I lurched my right foot forward, landed it right on the ramp, busting it in two.  I then fell straight backwards, landing my rear end in chicken poo.  

Sprained ankle, sore and stinky rump, but saved the hennies and "Big Man" from the storm.  

Sounds like a title of my next book.  Maybe this story should be in it?  Hubby said he'd help me screw a board to the back of it where I busted it to fix it.  

........stories from the chicken coop.  That's all I have for you today folks, but I thought you would find a bit of humor it it somewhere.  

When I came inside the dogs would not stop sniffing my rear.  The girls thought it was downright hi-lar-i-ous.

It gave me a reason to put pajamas on at 4pm anyway. Snort!  It was pouring down outside, and Hubby had to work over 3 hours.  I took that as a chance to curl up with netflix, and crochet, read a book, mend a pair of pajamas, and write a bit.  I even popped home grown popcorn.

This morning however, nothing hurts but my left shoulder, and boy does it hurt.  Thank goodness for my homemade muscle rub.   

Recipe coming soon for the muscle rub.  I probably have a new handiwork update soon too.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh that's terrible! I hope you heal well! Sorry about the poop butt (lol)!

  2. Rain, and to think I was "safe" out there with muck boots on, ha ha!

  3. Read this again:
    "I opened the door, stepped my left foot back (in muck boots), and landed it side ways into a dirt bath hole, tripping and spraining that ankle. I had my good watch on, and good jeans, and I was falling towards the rock that holds the run ramp in place. I put my left hand out to try and catch myself, but...
    ...I lurched my right foot forward, landed it right on the ramp, busting it in two. I then fell straight backwards, landing my rear end in chicken poo.
    Sprained ankle, sore and stinky rump, but saved the hennies and "Big Man" from the storm.
    Sounds like a title of my next book. "
    Actually, it sounds like the lyrics to a country tune, you know, like...
    "You stepped on my heart and you squarshed that sucker flat."
    Sorry, couldn't resist.
    Prayers the rest of your holiday goes well.
    God bless.

  4. Ouch and on the farm for sure! Hope you heal fast and use as material for your book for sure!

  5. Sam I am, I still need to repair my ramp into the run. They can hop down to where it's at, but it still needs fixed.


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