Saturday, June 24, 2017

Salmon and Peas and the "poof" of the Mac n' Cheese

My older brother ("aka the fisherman") gifted us with some Michigan Salmon and more bluegill.  We are already enjoying the delicious fish.  I made us some salmon patties using ground organic oats, a bit of mustard, a tiny bit of water, and some green onion from the garden.  Mmmm!  

But that's not all.

 I picked more peas.  I made a pan of buttered snap peas.  I didn't have a shallot on hand, and my shallot powder is gone too.  I used an onion, and it was still delicious.

Our daughter who turned 18 yesterday requested Alton Brown's Macaroni and cheese (baked) for her birthday dinner.  I had cheese in the freezer, so I made it.  However, you won't see a photo of it here.  Zuri-raptor got her paws (and jaws) on it, and well that was to be today's lunch.  Somehow the girls, even though I reminded them, forgot it was on the counter.  The veggies of course were all saved at high altitudes which left no space to hide the dish (other than the top of the fridge, and I should have done that).  The mac n' cheese contains onions.  Sigh.  We attempted two methods to get her to throw it up, but to no avail, she would not. So.  Yeah.  The fun begins.

We finally got rain. I am heading out to pick peas and possibly radishes this morning.  It would be a great day for a motorcycle ride too, but other plans are in the works.  First I will be enjoying breakfast on the front porch.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


  1. What a simple way to prepare sugar snap peas! I'll use it when ours come in. We like onions with just about everything. Now I'm hungry for a big dish of mac and cheese. Why do I always get such a craving for oven dishes in the summer time?

  2. Mama Pea, for the peas, I boiled them for 3 minutes (brought water to a boil first, then added peas), strained. While those were boiling, I melted 2 Tbsp. butter in a pan with a chopped onion (shallots are tastier, I just didn't have one), then added the peas. You can season with parsley and tarragon too, but the onion and butter was delicious. I have a feeling, I'll be making that same mac n' cheese this next week, ha ha. Only putting it up very high this time.

  3. Oh gosh Kristina, hope Zuri will digest okay...I remember back in 1996 one of my pugs got into the garbage after I made a root veggies stew. That was before I knew of composting and all the peels were in the garbage. Poor fella...he was so bloated and gassy for days...and guess what? Didn't learn his lesson! That's when I discovered bungee cords to keep garbage lids secure!!

  4. Rain, believe it or not, Zuri is fine. She must have an iron stomach.

  5. Oh dear. Zuri's in trouble again. Poor dog. My middle sister had a wonderful dog named Dickens (after the writer). Dickens was a truly great dog who quite honestly never did anything wrong except for one thing - he couldn't resist candy. Several times he ate my sponge candy before I learned to put it up - WAYYY up. LOL
    Prayers everyone has a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  6. RB, I think King is starting to learn, but not Zuri. She needs more training, and I need more hiding places (high up), ha ha!

  7. Maybe that's why our Mama put her PMS emergency chocolate bars on the top most shelf in the pantry. ;o)
    God bless.

  8. RB, that is funny. I have to put things way up from those two dogs.


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