Tuesday, June 6, 2017


I can't tell if we are making progress indoors, but I am making progress outdoors.  I spent the entire morning watering every single thing.  No rain in the forecast, and now no rain at all for a while.  Sigh.  

I picked some radishes that I enjoyed raw after that, and shared one with the now graduated, vegetarian daughter.  She doesn't like raw radishes, ha ha!  

Mom came over to take the graduated child out for lunch.  She invited me too, but I could not leave the garden.  

I weeded one entire side of the 45 foot pea fence, weeded all but about 6 feet of the beets (not fun), and started the carrots.  I used the hoe on the back tomato patch, digging out the thistle coming up.  I hope to get the remaining vegetable garden weeding done today, pay bills and file papers to clean up that mess.  

I gifted Mom some homemade vanilla and a handful of those French Breakfast radishes.  She gifted me some empty baby food jars for my rubs and salves I make. 

I found out that Hubby saw the rabbits early morning and shot at them, but I never heard it.  I was that tired.  I am so tired today, that I am debating intentional exercise.  So far, I haven't seen the rodents return.

After a long day in the garden, in between putting laundry out, and then dinner in the crock pot, I loaded the car up and took a load to the thrift store.  That cleaned up a hallway, but there are wine bottles to store now (for future wine making).  I remembered to water my house plants, and trim the roses.  Oh, the weeding needs done in the flower beds too.  I managed to make a trip to the store and purchase some of the items needed for the grad party, but food will wait until later.  I ate dinner at 7:30pm, the latest ever, on the porch.  Hubby worked over and got home around 9:30pm.

Although I was so tired, I washed up the last of our asparagus pickings, and made roasted rosemary asparagus to go with turkey and home canned hot pepper mustard sauce over wild rice mixed with wilted dandelions.  I had a tall glass of nettle tea infusion.

We had rain it the forecast for yesterday and zero on Saturday.  Now the forecast says rain on Saturday.  The day of the grad party, and I was hoping to put up an "easy up" set up the back and front porch with chairs.  Sigh. I should have rented a building for this shin-dig.  I should have, could have, would have, but didn't.  Dang it.  Maybe the weather will change. Then again, I am struggling to get the house cleaned up while tending to the garden. I had a talk with the remaining radish harvest.  I pleaded that they hold off their growth until Sunday, so I don't have to can relish in the midst of the party prep. I'm not sure they listened. 


  1. I hope your radishes listen!!! The asparagus looks delicious. I'd love to trade a little rainy weather with you.

  2. I love garden fresh asparagus :)

  3. Rain, from what I am looking at, the rain is not in sight for a few weeks and we'll get up to the 90's. Oye. I hope this is not a drought year.

  4. Although no graduation party here, it is the time of year when so, so much needs to be done! I'm thankful I don't have to be cleaning house and making it presentable (as you do) along with everything else. That might just put me over the edge! On the other hand, we always get done what must be done, don't we? Drag your graduate into helping get ready for her party!

  5. Mama Pea, if I had thought ahead, I would have made her party later this month. I have so much to do, that some folks will have to see spider webs and dust possibly. The girls helped yesterday while I weeded the rest of the pea fence and beets, but the carrots remain to be weeded, along with green beans and popcorn. I will just have to get things done today (rain arrived and I am so thankful). I was in tears yesterday (overwhelmed).

  6. I miss my asparagus bed on the farm and the next owner tore everything out! Asparagus, rasberries, gooseberries, rhubbarb, and blackberries and some fruit trees....can you believe it? Why would someone want to live on a farm and then do that? That's no farmer that's for sure! He sold it 2 years later. Go figure?
    Where is the graduate? Put her to work! LOL! I hope your radishes hold off....see, if you planted late like me you wouldn't have them yet! LOL!
    Take care! And don't make yourself sick trying to do it all! Just do what you can....it will be good enough.

  7. I would think the food growing on the property would make the value better, and yes, that is crazy for them tearing it all out. I put the girls to work yesterday, and we got a lot done. We are working inside and outside today too. I keep remembering to take a few breaks on the porch, but I see thistle in the flower beds. Guess I'm weeding that today too, ha ha!

  8. Our paternal Grandfather use to eat radish sandwiches, with radishes sliced thin put on white bread slathered with (real) butter. Not sure how it tastes. I always ate them with salt.
    Martha Stewart has talked about roasting the radishes (sprinkled with olive oil, salt and papper) and adding them to a soup which she made of the radish greens, chicken stock and a bit of cream or milk. Never tried that, but roasting radishes is something I'm going to try one day.
    Sad to hear about the rabbits. Would be good to eat them once they've been killed. Fried up like chicken is pretty good.
    Hope everyone's having a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  9. RB, I have been roasting them and they are delicious (radishes).


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