Friday, June 16, 2017

Hot, Humid and Down Right Uncomfortable

Rain was in the forecast yesterday, so I decided to do a long workout, then go out and pick what I could, and return to the indoors.  I baked burger buns for a grill out dinner.....

....blanched and froze swiss chard....

...prepped kale for today's breakfast, and picked a few radishes to enjoy.  I hunted around the pantry and found more green tomato salsas, so I cooked up some freezer corn and made a dish of black bean and corn salsa.  However, the heat was horrible.  The humidity was painful.  It sucked the life right out of me.  The rain never arrived. Not one iota.  I felt so guilty for not being in that garden.  

While waiting on Hubby to arrive from work, I took this crochet work to the very humid, no breeze in sight, front porch.  Hubby brought out an extension cord and a fan, so we could grill our burgers comfortably and retreat to the indoors to enjoy them.  It literally was too hot to enjoy the porch.  I am thankful we had such a nice breeze during the grad party however.  I also took 5 minutes for me, although I should have done it inside, ha ha!

Today, it's again a high of 91°F.  No rain.  Full sunshine.  So, the decision is whether to hit the garden early, and work out later, or just garden. Or no garden.  It's going to be another very hot, and dry day.   I know I have peas to pick, but I'm thinkin' it's another day indoors.  No breeze again today.  I'm sure I'll be putting a fan on the chicken coop and taking my ladies some ice chips.

Stay cool!


  1. My least favorite weather! We have been struggling with the same, but a cold front finally came through and it is now raining. The relief is amazing! Do you just put ice chips in a bowl for your hens, or float them in water? Mine might appreciate the same.

  2. Susan, I just put it in a bowl, but I should put it their water too. I can't wait for a cool down. Whew!


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