Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Garlic Scape and Radish Spread ~ Roasted Spring Vegetables with Brussels Sprouts

I am still getting a few more garlic scapes, although most have been cut of.  

If you happen to have one garlic scape, this recipe is wonderful.  I have to buy the organic cream cheese.  I don't have a source for raw goat's milk or cow milk right now.

This new recipe was amazing!  Hubby and I are the only two in the household who like raw radishes, so we got to eat this all to ourselves.  Yum!  Honestly, you don't even taste them in this spread.  Hubby said so far this is the best spread I've made.

Here is the recipe:

Garlic Scape-Radish Spread
1 cup chopped radishes (I used french breakfast radishes)
1 garlic scape, I diced (slicing would work too)
1 cup fresh spinach, thinly sliced
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
4 oz. feta cheese, crumbled
1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Mix together, serve on seeded crackers, celery sticks, etc.

I used all organic ingredients (and home grown).  Delicious!

It was 94°F, and felt like 98°F, yesterday.  I kept begging the rain to arrive and give my gardens a nice big drink.  The grass literally crunched under my feet.  Too hot to be outside too long.  Too hot for a motorcycle ride, and too hot to sit on the porch.  Hot, hot, hot.   However, a breeze kicked up late, cooling off the porch, and I actually took crochet work out.  The lightest work I could find.  It was still hot.  Rain arrived, so I am thrilled today.

Our egg supply is grand, so I boiled more and we had egg salad sandwiches.  In the early morning, I came in with these lovely pickings. - sugar snap peas, two more garlic scapes, and a few more spears of asparagus.  I tossed them all together, along with radishes and brussels sprouts, drizzled olive oil, salt and pepper, and some oregano from the herb garden.  Mmmm!  

If you haven't tried roasting your radishes, you really should.  I still can't get my vegetarian to try one this way, but hopefully she will.  I had about 10-12 spears of asparagus, and I have a few more coming up.  It's crazy that I'm getting it so late, and in this heat.


  1. I keep reading how hot it is for you. We're having a so-so summer, though it's only just begun so I have to remember that. It keeps going from hot and humid to November weather. But July and August are just around the corner! Your veggies look yummy!


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