Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Down, Down, Down....

This showed up yesterday afternoon, while I was out fetching eggs late in the day....

and this happened......
One very big project underway.  Cha-Ching.  Checking it off the "to-do" list.  Now we have to dig out the siding for the folks (friends of the family) who did this, to pay them back.  The rest we will recycle as much as possible. 

This is probably the best, and shortest post yet.  The first person to pull in after it went down (literally seconds after) was a man that has a red wood barn south of us.  Maybe 3-4 miles south.  Anyway. He was a descendant to the family who built the barn.  He asked for two pieces of siding then cried because I gave him some.  And here I was on the front porch jumping up and down like an over excited kid, when the barn came down.  Well, we tried to save it for years, but the damage from previous owners (cut doors off, sides off, doors in half etc), allowed the weather to take it sooner than it should.

Either way, I am so happy to see this down.  You can see in the first photo, that the person tearing it down was kind enough to take the doors off first, so we could recycle them onto another barn.  The recycling has already started.

Today I do need to start back at the garden.  Right after the barn came down, the rain arrived.  I'm glad to get it, but now the weeding starts and boy do we have weeds.  

We are gonna be very, very busy.  The peas are on too.


  1. What a relief that must be for you! It was so surprising to see it go down so fast -- just goes to show it could have fallen on someone with a good wind.

  2. It is always sad to see the old barns torn down.
    Looks like a huge undertaking! Good luck :)

  3. Congratulations!!! Hopefully you won't have any more "looky-loo's" oggling your barn for photo ops...great video, I didn't realize it would come down so quickly like that!

  4. Susan, I went to the porch to take a photo and saw the entire thing swaying and started filming right away. Yes, this is a huge relief.

  5. Sandra, if the past owners had not cut off doors, cut out entire parts of the sides on the side you can't see in the photo, it would have lasted many more years. With the holes and walls cut out, storms just knocked that other end down.

  6. Rain, I just had another person drive up and ask for parts of it. Ugh. Now the greedy people looking for handouts are stopping. Good grief. It is a huge relief. Hubby and I are super happy. Now the big clean up starts.

  7. Well, good and no one was hurt in the process.
    It's been raining for days here. We needed it for the farmers, but now I'm afraid there's been so much that the cotton, corn and tobacco of farmers will start molding in the fields, and they don't need that either.
    Still, as the Lord sees fit.
    God bless.

  8. RB, we so badly needed rain, and we finally got some. Yes, the barn came down when I was the only one on the porch and the barn cats were safe too.


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