Friday, May 26, 2017

Garden ~ Baked Flounder

I started the day rather slower yesterday.  My achy body didn't want to get going.  I did my yoga stretches as usual, and got busy.  First, with rain in the forecast, I went to the kitchen.

My new oven mitts.  These were a gift at the big birthday bash from an old friend.  They are longer than they look in the photo, and withstand up to 500°F.  I love them.

I baked us some blueberry banana bread.  I different recipe, but used up a few lingering over-ripe bananas.  My freezer is still full of blueberries (thankfully).

Then I baked a cauliflower frittata.  My lunch, Hubby's breakfast today.  I wanted to make this with kale, but we are clean out.  I have a bit of collards, swiss chard, turnip greens, nettle, and a ton of dandelion (but no kale).  So glad the kale is growing again.

Rain still didn't arrive.

I went out to water and found my hose cut in half.  Yeah, someone mowing didn't check for it, and ran right over it.  I had to haul my watering cans from the house rain barrels.  Over and over, to water the 30 sweet potato slips I had just planted and four rows of green and wax beans.  

Hubby fixed the hose last night after work, but I'll have 10 less feet of it.  I hope it works out today, but it'll all depend on what this body can do.  Both Hubby and I have been having so much achi-ness, it's slowing us down.  My arnica isn't growing fast enough to get that salve made, so I'll have to come up with something else.  And today.  He and I were both sort of moody, due to the aches and pains, and I need to fix that.  Our diet is pretty anti-inflammatory lately too.

As for the sweet potato slips, I found a source for next year.  It'll be by mail, unless I can find an organic nursery here (again).  I was lucky to find the sweet potato slips as it was.  Once I find a new source, and once I have my root cellar, I will grow my own slips from my own organic/non-gmo potatoes.  It's always good to have future goals.

Speaking of goals, Hubby and I had plans to knock down the old big barn this Memorial Day weekend.  We are not.  I'm not happy and I'm not sad, just meh about the whole mess.  We need it down and gone, because it stands, our insurance went up.  A lot.  Hubby is super stressed, but we are currently both a bit, shall we say physically halted for such work.  We do have help for the barn, and hopefully large equipment (who will be repaid with barn wood), and are friends of the family. So....some day.  Some day.

I baked us some lemon pepper flounder last night, and a side of steamed broccoli.  I am trying to make sure we get fish at least once a week (but should be eating more of it).  We have one slab of salmon left in the freezer.  Time to restock.

Lemon Pepper Flounder:

Sprinkle lemon pepper mix over fish, add a bit of homemade garlic powder and dried thyme.  Bake for 8 minutes at 425°F.
I make my own lemon pepper, but you can find a recipe at Simply Scratch (love her site) as well.  I used my garlic powder vs. freshly minced, only because we are out.  You could use either.

We are still getting asparagus.  Just a few here and there, but they'll keep until I have enough for a meal.  There are more coming up, so I check it daily now.

Well, I have talked my ears off this morning, procrastinating my planting today.  I know the cucumber, squash, pumpkins, and more need planted, but I have a salve to make.  And I hope it works.


  1. So sad about the barn especially with it costing you $! I've been achy too so glad to hear it is not just me being old as you guys are young!
    I have fritata on my list this week too but it may be soup today...I'll see....trying to get things done between rain and they keep predicting storms so I stay home when I need to get errands done a ways from home but I got caught once in a tornado near by and never again! But I need to mow too....the clouds come and go.....I hate to start and not be able to finish. The radar looks like it should be raining but it isn't...what's up with that? I may be able to get out and plant some seeds at least and still no charger found! I'm with you...."meh"! LOL!

  2. Sam I Am, the weather they predict hasn't been correct for days. I wonder some days.

  3. I hope your salve works too. I've been very achy lately myself. I only have a small amount of Arnica gel left and I'm saving it for my hands. It's about $17 plus taxes for that little tube...I am following with lots of interest about your Arnica journey! I haven't found any seeds at the 3 companies I've ordered from here in Canada, so I'll have to keep looking. I LOVE's my favourite fish! But...crazy expensive here, I only treat myself once in a while when it's available.

  4. I've.grown my own sweet potatoes slips this year, I just bought 3 organic sweet potatoes and put them in water and they put up more shoots then I need, unfortunately, they are still on my window sill waiting to be planted

  5. It's odd I'm feeling "out of it" here today too - tired, achy, just generally blah. I do have things to do, but I'm almost done, and then I hope I can rest.
    Love your new oven mitts. I got myself a new pair of lime green silicone ones for Christmas, and I love them too.
    I'm very allergic to anything that comes out of water - fish, shellfish, etc., but I do take seafood recipes to use on chicken, and they're quite tasty.
    Bro Tom BBQ'd ribs yesterday. There are a few leftover, and that'll be supper. YUM!!!
    Prayers everyone has a GREAT holiday weekend (remember the reason), and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  6. Rain, I wanted to buy arnica flowers to get some oil started, but it's very expensive! I have some growing finally, but the salve worked.

  7. Elsa, it's good to know that growing the slips yourself produces easily. I hope to be doing that next year.


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