Monday, May 22, 2017

From the Handiwork Journal. . .

. . . finished the set of pot holders and oversized hot pad using the afghan hook.

. . . used the leftover yarn from the dishcloth and made a soap saver bag and kitchen scrubbie.  I just happened to have an orange matching scrubbie.

. . . worked on this baby blanket again.  63 done - 33 to go. 

. . . started another baby blanket to use up some more baby yarn I haveIt is destined for the Farmer's Market.  Possibly.  Possibly not.  Just depends.

. . .got a few more soap saver bags done.

. . . crocheted these doilies for Mom for Mother's Day.

I attempted to crochet a bookmark using #30 thread and a #10 steel crochet hook.  I think I need better reading glasses.  If I attempt it again, which I might, I'll post it. 

...progress is being made on this doily.  I need to make 17 more of those little daisies for it.



  1. I honestly think you must not sleep for more than two hours a night, to get everything done and then all this lovely handwork!

  2. Hi Kristina :))
    Your needle work is really lovely. I love the colour of the pot holders, and what a great idea with the soap savers!

  3. Susan, you are about right, lol! Today I had so much to get on the line, only flowers got planted. I'm waiting on Hubby to get home and till so I can plant tomatoes and peppers next.

  4. Rain, thank you. I have had a few orders for those soap saver bags. Some day I hope to be back to making dairy goat soap (again).

  5. Holy cow girl! You have been whipping out the handmades! That would be a years worth for me! I love the afghan stitch and the purple yarn is gorgeous. It looks like it would make a nice sturdy washcloth. The ornage set is darling and I need to make some 'scrubbies'. Love your blankets and doilies....gorgeous!

  6. Thank you Sam I Am, I am trying to squeeze in time when I can't get into the garden or get housework done. Housework never ends around here too, ha ha!

  7. Lovely work. Our Mother was very good at making things like this. Before we were born, she'd crochet what use to be called counterpanes (lacy crocheted covers for over solid covered bedspreads) and sold them to the local department store. They were very beautiful.
    We've finally gotten rain. Thank God it's been gentle but plenteous. Farmers have gotten their crops in, and I'd had to see them flooded or washed away.
    Prayers everyone's having a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  8. Thank you RB. I think the rain you are getting is headed to our parts by tomorrow.


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