Sunday, April 30, 2017

Taste Test: Pickled Asparagus ~ Early Birthday Presents

Hubby and I played hookie yesterday, and almost forgot to open a jar of our pickled asparagus.  At 9pm, we were tasting it.  Yum!  Crunchy and a delicious side dish or snack.  More of a snack for me, ha ha! 

It rained, and it was cold yesterday.  Too cold to get the Harley out.  So....
After my 60 minute workout (got 3.44 miles in) and the speed bag, we hopped in the truck and drove to the Harley store an hour away.  Hubby picked out his early birthday presents.  He's a happy guy, and he even picked out a clothing item for my birthday present.  It sort of felt good to treat ourselves, and on a cold/rainy day too.

Note:  To keep my mind off of how long the walk will take (treadmill), I watch the clock instead.  I start at one speed for 5 minutes, and every 5 minutes speed it up to a speed I basically walk very fast (almost a jog), then I start to decrease every 5 minutes, then back up again.  When 60 minutes hits, it feels like it went very quickly.  I am then not worried about how many miles I walk either.  I get a good cardio workout with both that type of "walk" and the speed bag.  Hubby is ready to start weight training again.   

And a note on weight loss.  At my age, I'm told I must take an amino acid supplement to build muscle and burn fat.  Okay, that's great, but I don't take supplements.  

I am getting them from real food sources, such as leafy greens, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, almonds, and many other sources. I should be good I think. 

On the way home we stopped to get some target practice in.  It was a new range for us, and they made us watch an entire video before allowing us to enter.  Basically the same as the last range we visited, but they were definitely more focused on safety (do people really enter those places and not know how to load a gun?  Possibly, as they rent them out I guess).

Then it was back home to pick up a kiddo and off to a birthday party at a secluded campground.  Lucky for us, family was there with campers that had toilets.  The pit toilets have not been upgraded, but the campground put in a new sign, so there is hope.  It was pretty cold, but the pavilion had covered sides thankfully.  I was told a bit late of this event, so we picked up fresh fruit as our "dish" to take. 

Today, it's a small car repair.  Somehow, and I don't know how, Daughter brought my car home with both headlights blown.  Both.  Ha.  They are not fun to change either.

It'll be cold and raining again today.  Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Hi Kristina :) The asparagus was crunchy...that sounds great, maybe I should be doing that with my leftovers. I was afraid they might be soggy. You know, I never heard that you should take amino acid...I'm nearly 50 and I can build muscle just fine without a supplement. Is there a reason? help them not tear or something? Just curious. I know that they help with metabolism, but so does muscle building.

  2. Glad you had such a nice Saturday and Happy Birthday to your husband and you too whenever it is. It's nice you treated yourselves since if anyone deserves a 'treat' it's you 2 who both work so hard! You guys have a nice Sunday too!

  3. Rain, I think doctor advice varies, and it's due to the older we get the more difficult it is. As if I don't know that right, ha ha!

  4. Thank you Sam I Am. Our birthdays are early May and 5 days apart from each others

  5. Headlights are not fun to change, nor are they cheap. I was about to have to change one on a car we had a few years back to get it inspected, when one morning while taking Bro Tom to work, a deer jumped out in front of the car and damaged the blown headlight and front fender which the insurance company replaced with the car repair. Go figure. LOL
    It's fixing to get cold again here too, or cooler that is, but still below 40 at night. Bro Tom had taken all the larger house plants out to the garden last month. Today he had to bring them all back in again. I felt bad for him.
    Well, on to do the dishes. I wash the critter(s) dishes by hand.
    God bless.

  6. RB, it was pretty cold here yesterday and last night. Brrr.


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