Monday, April 10, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

Just to keep things real, I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  It's Happy Homemaker Monday!

The weather. . .
It's cloudy, but very nice.  Rain is on the way tonight.  It's too wet to weed even yet today.


On my reading pile. . .
...reading is slowing down right now.  I am still working on this book.

Movies or shows I watched this weekend. . .
no movies or shows, spent time outdoors

On my TV. . .
Netflix, watching a TV series

On the menu this week. . .
I have no idea.  Tonight it's stuffed peppers and whatever garden veggies are still providing from the freezer.  I'll boil more eggs too.

On my to-do list. . . and this is just today
2.barn animal chores
3. laundry, put it out on the line
4. fold towels from yesterday's laundry
5. scrub part of the bathroom tile floor
6. email the school
7. check library due dates
8. place a few orders for supplies
9. vacuum carpets
10. make granola bars
11. pick up landscaping stones and dog food
12. update homesteading journal
13. wash front porch seat cushions
14. wash bed quilt
15. wash rags
16. wash rugs  
17. wash bathrobe
18. unload cinder blocks from the truck
19. scrub master bath toilet

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating. . .
I just finished making six more of the soap saver bags.  I'll have to do an update soon on all of my projects.

Looking around the house. . .
I see a messy kitchen.  Sigh. Kids!!

From my camera. . .

What I am wearing today. . .
Work jeans and a t-shirt.

One of my simple pleasures. . .
Playing cards on the porch with either Hubby or with the kids.

Bible verse, Devotional. . .
      Image result for bible verse about not letting negative people invade your space


  1. Love the muffin photo! Have a great week.

  2. I so love the smell of hyacinth! It always makes me think of springtime and Easter! I also love Anita Shreve! Have a great week,


  3. Pamela thank you!
    Sherry, I love spring flowers that have a strong fragrance. Have a great week.

  4. Wow! That's a long to do list. Hope you have a great week!

  5. Jodi, I know. It's crazy with all this spring cleaning to do right now. I got most of it done. I hope you have a great week too.

  6. I was reading your wishlist on the sidebar - it looks pretty much the same as mine! Hubby gave me a voucher to build a greenhouse for my birthday nine months ago. Hopefully one day! Looks like a busy week - hope you have a lovely Easter.

  7. Jayne, I always have a list going for to-do's and needs. I hope to eventually get them done. I hope you have a lovely Easter too.

  8. How nice to have a beautiful flower blooming! I was hoping for some Easter flowers, but this year, I don't know what's going on with the long winter. I'll settle for Easter basil lol!

  9. My hyacinths have come and gone already but oh how I love their smell! I'm like Sherry; it brings back memories of Easter's when I was young and back in my hometown growing up. Smells can trigger powerful memories.

  10. Rain, until I get a handle on the moles in our area, I cannot replant tulips and I really miss having them. I need to wait for my elderberry trees to grow, trim a few branches and stuff them into the mole tunnels (I read it will get rid of them). This spring I only saw one mole tunnel so I hope by sticking bits of chewing gum in them last year got rid of most of them.

  11. Sam I Am, every time my lilac blooms, I bring some inside. It reminds me of my one Grandmother. She always brought us some for the house.


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