Thursday, March 9, 2017

Tiger the Toddler ~ Derailment Day

Tiger just loves to act like a toddler.  The last few mornings, he's been making his walk in front of the computer to get my attention.  He's also been doing is paw under the bedroom door routine, and meowing to be fed.  Bangity, bang-ity, bang.  Why oh why does he not go fetch his "mother" and wake her up?  I have no idea.

We removed the gate from one of the entrance-ways into the kitchen.  We removed it to move furniture, and we decided to leave it out, and test the water so to speak.  The dogs are so used to it there, but then again, King jumps it every afternoon when the bus pulls in.  We'll see how well they do with it down.  They too, have been acting like toddlers lately.  It feels strange not to have to open and shut the gate100 times a day now, but sort of nice too.

I finished "Don't Let Go" and started reading this book.  There is a story to this one (and two other books).  When we took a trip to stay at a historical hotel a year ago, we shopped at a used book store.  I stepped away from the counter, Hubby paid, and when we got home I found 3 books in the bag I did not pick out.  The guy at the counter mixed them up as mine, and was most likely getting ready to shelf them.  So.  I have these to read before I buy anymore.  However, I have increased walking speed, so reading on the treadmill just ended.

I am going through a pile of magazines, and am just now (you can laugh if you want) reading the last of this Oct/Nov 2014 Country Woman magazine.  It got lost in a pile of my writer magazines.  

I don't know what I was thinking.  Hold a job outside the home, and maintain the home Ha!  Sigh.  I can't even keep up with my regular chores right now, and get these projects finished and some new ones (and much needed) underway.  I am just now ordering the last of the seeds I need, and some are on back order.   I am crocheting like a madwoman for the Farmer's Market, and my stock of goods is minimal.  Trying to be honest with myself, and only do what I can, but I tend to push myself beyond.

We had wind gusts up to 55-60 mph yesterday.  There was a wind advisory (no rain, snow or even sleet - just wind), but this gal went out in it anyway.  I swear that wind lifted me right off the parking lot, and I thought best to high-tail it home to safety.  Thankfully, no damage (that I know of) and we kept power through it all.  I hear some areas won't have power back on until Saturday.  There were semi-trucks that were flipped right over too.   Our vet-tech daughter was nicked in the rear of her car by a semi.  Thank goodness that is all it was.  I left my hens in the coop the entire day for their safety and opened a door for sunshine.  They would have been blown away.  Literally.

Lately, I've felt tied to the kitchen.  The other housework sits and waits for me.  There is a demand for lunch packings and after school snacks.   Yesterday, I had a bad start to the day - dropped an egg, forgot the baking powder until after everything was mixed in, over cooked the cabbage and potatoes, then later messed up on the baby blanket ripping out 5 rows....I called it a night and put everything away. 


  1. Some days are like that - best to sit in a chair with a book and a hot drink. I've been having fits and starts on a should-be-simple knitting project. Have done and undone the first five rows for three days in a row. I have put it aside. Must be spring in the air, because I came home to a living room that was a mess! My pups are toddlers, too!

  2. So glad you made the decision not to look for a job outside the home. You do SO MUCH to keep everything on the homestead running smoothly that I don't think even you realize what a disaster it would be if you weren't there to put in your usual 36 hours each day! We, as a society, so devalue the time, effort and financial savings a hard-working person puts in each and every day working at home.

    I'm betting your house animals are suffering (early?) spring fever. Ya gotta watch 'em like hawks! :o}

  3. Kristina, you sound so overwhelmed! As I've been following and reading your blog, I always wondered where you found the time and energy to do all you do. I hope you can get some downtime soon! I had a day like that yesterday where I just kept dropping things and forgetting things. I called it a day after dinner, you should see the laundry pile but at this point my attitude is "it'll get done when it gets done". I still have 2 pairs of clean socks!!! That means I have two more days lol...

  4. Susan, thank you for the laugh about the pups. Oh boy. I hope the mess wasn't too bad.

  5. Mama Pea, the hens are being toddlers today. They are into my front flower beds, kicking up the mulch. Bad chickens! I think they are retaliating for being locked up tight yesterday (for fear they'd blow away). Yeah, I am just working at trying to cut corners to help get these medical bills paid off. Then we'll be back on track.

  6. Rain, I had to dry all my laundry inside yesterday. My bloomers would have been in the in the next county if not. Today, the chore was to gather all those clothes and fold them. Today is somewhat busy too.

  7. We were seeing videos of the wind tossing semis around. It gets windy here, but not enough to toss a big rig around. Thank God!!! Thank God too that no one was hurt.
    Been worried about one of the cats. She's the older one and has had the runs. Yesterday I got some of the Fancy Feast Broth pouches, mixed it with 2 teaspoons of baby rice cereal and gave her a portion morning and evening, and today she seems almost back to normal, but I'll keep that diet up for a week to be sure.
    Yeah, we can run them to the vet, but we don't even run ourselves to a doctor unless it gets to the point where we know we can't take care of what needs done through more normal means, before we let a doctor start throwing chemicals at it.
    And why Tiger comes to you instead of his mother? Cause he l-o-v-e-s you. LOL
    Have a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  8. RB, I think you are right about Tiger. When no one else is home, he constantly follows me around meowing for attention. I know what you mean about taking cats to the vet.

  9. I have those days too and it is best to take a day's God's way of saying you need to slow down and rest.


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