Friday, March 24, 2017

More Checked Off

It's been a "get-r-done" week for me, which feels good.

The weather went from warm to cold.  Even so, I let my ladies out and gave their coops a clean sweep.  Egg production is still a bit low, but as they get more sunshine I hope to see an increase.

Propane was ordered and delivered.  Prices were higher this year.  In fact, it cost us $200 more than the last fill-up, but still less than the most expensive year too.


I finished the study completely.  Every paper sorted, filed, and in it's place, and an entire novel printed out and ready to read (from National Novel Writing Month of 2012).  It will be interesting to read over.  Writing has resumed, and I pray that I get less side-tracked.

The "try-it recipe pile is gone.  Literally.  Almost 98% of them went in the trash, plastic pages are in the school supplies, and only a few to try.  The binders are completely empty. Any recipe that called for processed food I tossed. I just couldn't save them all.

I donated three more books I could live without.  Non-fiction.

In the midst of going through some papers, I found this.  I thought I'd share for those who are starting their "spring" cleaning.  It's dated 2012, but I would assume the same guidelines apply today? 

We played (and still playing today) the "car shuffle" this week too.  Vet-Tech Daughter came home with her car huffing and puffing.  It literally shut  off by itself, as she pulled in.  She's moving out, so this was a snag in the process.  She's been borrowing my car to get to school and work, and that forced me to stay home the entire week.  And repairs are done by Hubby (and extended family), so that delays other big jobs on the "to-do" list.   It's a cost saver, so I can't complain.

So what did I do?  I went back to my extreme clean of the utility room, having a slight detour (but a good one detour), and boy are the empty canning jars piling up.   It may take me longer to tidy up.

As for the walnuts?  I'm still cracking them.  We are now talking about planting two English walnut trees, but locating a nursery will be interesting.  The walnut butter I made in the past was delicious, so there are benefits. Have you seen all the food recalls lately?  Lots of them.



  1. Thank you for the motivation! As always I am grateful for your 'realistic' blog posts! I need to get back to cleaning today. Yesterday was 'maintenance' and there's some cooking and baking today but I still will keep straightening and organizing and cleaning even if just a little. Thank you for the list of what to keep and what to throw financially. I'm always wondering but now I can pitch even more! Especially paperwork which seems to be the worst! So sorry about the car issues but it is a blessing that you have knowledgeable people around to fix. I need to get a new dish drainer and I will use my old one as a file holder. I saw that years ago on a blog and have wanted to do it but I had just bought a new drainer at the I'm ready! Thanks for the reminder. We're supposed to have a rainy weekend so perfect for cleaning and organizing. Thank goodness the temps went back down as 87 was way too hot for this time of year! We're in the 60-70 range now which is heat and no ac....saving money! LOL! Have a great and productive day!

  2. Sam I Am, glad I can motivate you. I'm also backing up my blog. I let it go after a busy canning year last year. I have about another year's worth to save. We too are getting rain, so today I'm enjoying the outdoors. It's too wet to weed, so I may crochet (he he) on the porch.

  3. I love your idea with the dish rack! I have to declutter soon but I'm kind of waiting for the snow to finally STOP before taking the plunge!

  4. Yes, I have noticed all the food recalls lately. I think some of that is coming about because there are several private entities watching things now, so we're not totally reliant on just the FDA to watch over our food anymore. Thank God!!!
    I love the idea of using the dish drainer to sort paperwork, pens, etc. What a great idea!!!
    God bless.

  5. It's not just the food recalls that bother me, but I've heard a rash of people getting food poisoning . . . after eating out a restaurants. Arrrrrgh! Because my dear husband has never done any cooking, I do it all (three meals a day, seven days a week) and occasionally getting to eat out was such a treat for me. Now my tummy does flip-flops whenever I think of eating out. :o(

    I so admire you for the deep cleaning you do. I don't ever seem to manage more than doing the surface stuff. Like with so many things, I think I just need to stop thinking about it and do it! I have lots of places that need deep cleaning!

  6. Mama Pea, you are right. When Hubby and I eat out, we eat at a locally, woman owned, Bistro. We don't go often as it's expensive, but trusted food. We stole away on a motorcycle ride yesterday and got crab stuffed trout. Oh my gosh it was good. Now I'm hankering for fish for dinner again. I have wild caught cod thawing. I seem to find things to clean, even when I'm not cleaning. I hope to have a tidy house this summer (ha ha ha!).

  7. RB, the dish drainer is working out great for me. I started using it a year or so ago, and I can easily store my writing notebooks. They just recently recalled 72,000 lbs. of one brand of ground beef, and just before that a soynut butter (signs are now up at our grocer). Crazy.

  8. Thanks Rain. The snow has left us, but that's actually what inspires me to clean. I can't work outside, so I gravitate to the inside work. Yesterday, I wanted to clean flower beds, but the ground was too wet. I was hankering to get out, so I put a chair on the porch and crocheted for sale items.

  9. S.I.A.,,, what is it about "To-Do' lists... the more I 'DO' the more that gets added to the list!!!! lol!


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