Monday, March 27, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today - it's Happy Homemaker Monday.

On the breakfast plate. . .

~Homemade yogurt with a drizzle of maple syrup and homemade granola, organic toast with homemade pumpkin butter, and eggs from my ladies.

The weather. . .
~cloudy, a bit on the warmer side, and the feeling that we may get more rain.  No sun whatsoever.

What I am reading.....
Had a good load of stuff come in at the library recently.  I'm reading through this, after Sam I Am over at farmgirlsam.blogspot shared it.

On my TV. . . .

Not as funny as I thought, movie borrowed from the library.

Very good!  Very suspenseful.  Also from the library.  We watched one other movie, and watched the Hallmark channel. They had some good clean shows on recently.

My menu this week. . .
Monday - Pesto Chicken Cauliflower 
Tuesday - Sunday ....I have no idea, ha ha!  
Maybe Wild Alaskan Salmon burgers, Lasagna, and spaghetti with cauliflower

My to-do list. . .

run errands
all floors, swept and vacuumed
make English muffins
clean master bath
library returns and pick-ups
make my tea infusion
dinner prep
My list will most likely move over into tomorrow.  When I run to the "Big City" I lose a lot of time on my chores.

 What I am Crocheting, Sewing, Knitting, Creating. . .

   Soap saver bags.  I made10 of these, and will be sold in a local gift shop.  I'm still in search of a store to sell my dishcloths, but I am thrilled I've gotten this accomplished.

 In the process of making these, I received more orders for them.  My other projects are just getting a short break.

Looking around the house. . .
I'll admit it.  My walnuts are still on the kitchen table.  Even I don't want to crack them, or have the time most days.  However, I am blessed to have them,  so I don't complain, I just crack a few when I get the chance. And in the process of deep cleaning, I put some decor up (more on that tomorrow).

Favorite photo from my camera...more like from my phone. . .

 Tiger picked his spot for the day and stayed there - the computer chair.  

What I am wearing. . .
Nothing special, jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt and tennis shoes.  However, I'm about to put my muck boots on.

One of my simple pleasures. . .
Journaling.  I have a journal for just about anything anymore.

Bible Verse, Devotional. . .
Image result for bible verse for good things happen 



  1. Love the soap saver bags, very cute! Our little cat likes to pick her spots for the day as well. Currently, it's my pillow but I'm not sure how I feel about that. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. The soap saver bags are a great idea! I'm assuming you put a bar of soap inside and then use the bag as a type of scrubbee/washcloth? We watched Almost Christmas as well - I love Danny Glover. Have a great week!

  3. Pamela, you could certainly place a full bar of soap in the bag, but the concept is to fill it with all of your tiny leftover slivers. Keep adding the slivers until you have enough to use.

  4. HI Kristina :) Your Tiger looks like our Oscar! I love the colouring, and of course, I love that pillow! :) I live by that pillow's message ha ha.

  5. I love to hear about your day(s) motivates me! The soap saver bags are so cute and practical. My Mother used to do that years ago and then of course we all went to liquid soaps but I use Dr. Bonner's organic bar soap. They would make nice gifts with a new bar of soap to go with....I think I need to make some of those! You always appeal to my practical nature....thanks! Cute picture of kitty and great quote to inspire!

  6. Thank you Sam I Am. I am glad I inspire you. I sometimes feel that no one really wants to hear about my cleaning as well as homesteading etc.


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