Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Random Tidbits ~ New Recipe ~ Tip

 Beautiful sunrise. Although we ended up with cloud cover the remainder of the day.

Grab a cup of java or tea today.  It's a long post.

What's on breakfast plate?

Zucchini-Dandelion egg scramble with whole grain toast with home canned strawberry jam.  I made enough scramble so Hubby would have enough to take to work for a few days.

We haven't had a "King-tastrophy" since he got up on the counter and ate half of a birthday cake.  But Zuri.  Oh...that dog can chew up and destroy.

Her latest?

"Zuri-raptor" not only got her harness off of her, but tore it to shreds.  Sigh.

Sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh...... 

My 17 year-old leaves their harnesses on for me while they are in school.  It makes taking them outside much easier on my back.  King still pulls and a fence is not first on the list this year.  

No harness for walks today.  She needs more toys. Again.  I just bought them ropes a week ago.  She reminds me of Alias.  He could chew up a dozen balls in a matter of seconds.

Food prep yesterday:

Dandelions and zucchini went into an egg breakfast scramble, along with some garlic and jalapeno peppers.  The glass bowl with red lid is homemade condensed cheddar cheese "soup" (thawed for mac n' cheese).  The green beans were for dinner.  The remaining eggs were boiled for snacking and sandwiches this week, the applesauce was used for baking the jam bars (below) as well as the walnuts.  My frozen lemon peel didn't get in the photo, but I used that in the bars as well. 

Which recipe did I try?

Cherry Holiday bars (a holiday recipe from BHG online), but you can use raspberry or other jam.  I had some older blueberry (without cinnamon) that needed used up so I made them with blueberry, and a bit of black raspberry jam.  Both home canned.

I had written a note on my recipe that said you can freeze these for up to a month, but I haven't tried that (yet).  I had a wee bit of trouble getting the foil off two edges, but overall easy to make.  These of course were delicious!  I can't wait to try them with home canned cherry jam next (even though the kids are telling me to keep making them with blueberry).

Essential Oil Tip Rosemary has been researched to be effective against drug-resistant bacteria (from what I am reading).  One kiddo was home sick and her cough was so bad it was causing her to throw up.  I mixed up some oil and rosemary oil (because it was what I had on hand) and had her rub it on her chest.  Of course this was all in addition to sipping medicinal herbal teas, etc.  Her cough is not gone completely today, but she is coughing less.

It's hard to believe I am painting a room in February.  We had another day in the low 60's, so 75% of a room is now painted.  Whew!  It will be a high of 68°F today.  It's just crazy.  I am really starting to worry about my fruit trees now.


  1. I hope your fruit trees are okay too. Your scramble looks so amazingly delicious. My boyfriend gave me a cookbook for Christmas called "Breakfast Comforts"...oh boy...FULL of yummy breakfast ideas and lots of scrambles! I made a salmon scramble with cream cheese, chives and dill and it was a great dinner. If we don't give the dogs bones to chew every day, they pull pillows apart...

  2. I should send you our dog toys...really, as my dogs no long chew or play with them. All your home canned and frozen looks so good...what a great feeling you must get when you make a meal. Our Bradford pears and forsythia are all starting to bloom so I think it is just an early Spring everywhere.

  3. The weather has been so warm, doing chores in February in Michigan without a coat on is NOT the norm!
    The food looks yummy!

  4. Rain, Zuri our mountain curr dog, chewed up the seat of a chair upstairs yesterday. I finally blocked off the stairs. They have a bunch of ropes to play with, but I guess she has gotten picky.

  5. Sam I Am, I have not seen any daffodils try to come up, so I hope it gets cold again soon.

  6. Thanks Sandra. I could get a sunburn today. So not the norm here either. High of 72!

  7. We have warm weather again here today too, and it's a bit of a worry for farmers, because it's not unusual to get below freezing temps in NC as late as April. We'll have to see what Mother Nature has planned for us regarding that.
    Almost all of our flowers are up, some are in full bloom - start the allergies. Bro Tom and I were comparing itchy eyes and tiredness. I'm sure it's probably allergies. Time to start the antihistamines for me, he can't take 'em at all. Poor guy.
    I pray everyone has a great weekend, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  8. RB, I have been drinking mullein tea infusions for my allergies too. Even the kids are getting sinus issues. It's definitely not our normal weather.


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