Friday, February 24, 2017

Millet Crust ~ Fruit Trees

Looking for ways to cook green beans? Or Millet?

We had a very good harvest of green beans and this combination of vegetables was not only delicious, but utilized my garden goods we stocked up on.

Here is what I did using organic and homegrown ingredients.

In a skillet I added:

olive oil
1onion, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
4 large carrots, peeled and sliced somewhat thin
1 pint bag of zucchini, pulled from the freezer and thawed
1 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes*

When the onions and bell pepper were cooked, I added:

1 pint jar of home crushed tomatoes (any frozen, canned would work I think), with the liquid
1 pint bag of frozen green beans (tossed in frozen)
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 can of cannenelli beans, rinsed and drained
a bit of dried basil (I didn't measure)

Bring to a boil, simmer until liquid from tomatoes reduces.

Pour into a 13 x 9 baking dish.  

Topping could be made ahead of time for this, and the dish minus the topping can be made the day before too.

Millet Topping:

Rinse 1/2 cup of millet and toast in a skillet with a bit of olive oil.  Add 2 cups of water, bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, cover, and cook about 20 minutes.  Drain remaining liquid and allow to cool.  When cool, add 1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs and sprinkle over veggie dish.

Bake at 350°F for about 30-35 minutes. 

Notes:  I used zucchini, but any yellow (straight neck etc.) squash would work well too.  I also used crushed tomatoes, but frozen, or stewed would work too I think. Hot red pepper flakes work well, but finely diced jalapenos, home canned hot sauce or even "fire powder" would work well.  I think 2 bell peppers would be better than one (for our large family). Also, I think fresh basil with more tomatoes would be even better, and I had planned to add some dried basil to the topping and just plum forgot.

We are having one more warm day here today.  Just before temperatures plummet to about a high of 39°F on Saturday.  I checked the fruit trees.  My peach and elderberry have the most spring buds on them. 

I noticed this on one of my apple trees.  Last year I had to stake the new cherry tree due to a deer rubbing it.  I guess this will be an issue, along with raccoons and squirrels.  We'll have to start thinking about making a baffle for each tree. I better add that to the list before I plum forget.

Yesterday, and just because I have to share, ha ha!  Hubby texted me "Picnic!"  and "Ride."  I was super excited.  To go on a motorcycle ride, and get a picnic.  In February.  It was a high of 67°F.   Wow!  So, I made up some egg salad sandwiches, and had even made pumpkin bread.  I put my boots etc. on and waited.  

He later texted, "gonna be 1 hour late."  

That was okay. It gave me time to round up the hens, put them in the run, and take the laundry off the line.  It also gave us time to lasso Dallas who somehow got out.  He saw me taking laundry down and I guess he wanted to join me.  Silly goat. 

An hour later I got another text, "won't be home until 7:30pm."

Off went the boots, and the food went into the fridge and out of the thermal bag.  I know he didn't have any say about it, but I joked to him later.

"Picnic" is code word for "I have to work over."  Some days he's the only guy who is on staff that can fix certain machines.


  1. Aw, too bad you didn't get your picnic! It does feel like picnic weather, it's crazy! We sat outside in the yard yesterday with coffee, just sitting on blankets in the snow. I would LOVE an early spring though...I don't think it's in the cards, we always get a huge snow storm around St-Patrick's day. Your casserole looks delicious. I have to branch out a bit with my ingredients. My bf and I are comfort food lovers, but I'd like to try some new grains (never had millet before) and new healthy recipes too! I hope I get a nice little harvest of green beans this year :)

  2. That's the price your husband pays for being so talented. :o/ Good for the finances but a real drag on a motorcycle ride and picnic!

    I don't know how you manage to have fruit trees at all without fencing the deer out. We must have lots more than you do in your area (that makes sense) because the deer would (and did before we knew better) gnaw our trees right down to the ground if they could get at them.

  3. Rain, I try to rotate our healthy grains, and millet is one that's hard to cook up tasty. I love a sausage and kale millet skillet though. Yum. Sitting out in the snow sounds fun!

  4. Mama Pea, we had pear trees here when we bought it, and the deer and other animals don't really bother them. I often wonder if it's because we walk the dogs around the edge of our 6 acres, and the smell keeps them away.

  5. I'm going to have to remember that "code" word. LOL Sorry things didn't work out though.
    We're suppose to be in the 30s tonight here in SOUTHERN North Carolina. I feel so sorry for the farmers who have things budding because of this silly weather.
    I can't believe how windy it's been today. I had sheets out on the laundry and when I went to get them in, they were twisted OVER the clothesline so many times, I had to pull on them to get the clothes pins off the line because I couldn't find them. The wind also blew the clothes pole (made out of a tree sapling) down, and I had to get my clothes basket from the front yard.
    I pray everyone's having a great weekend. Be careful ya'all. All kinds of weird weather coming across the country this weekend.
    God bless.

  6. RB, I had to laugh at how you had to pull the sheets off. I've done that many times too. Crazy wind!


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