Sunday, February 5, 2017

Just Do It!

Saturday was a "just do it" sort of day for me.  Hubby had to take off in Daughter's car to diagnose it.  Yeah...more car repairs.  We just put a $170 part in the truck.

I have been going from utility room to closet, back and forth. It's due to the magic I am preforming.  I'm downsizing, and moving as much crafting supplies as I can, to the utility room.  The kids will have easier access and there is a small table to work on too.

Last night Hubby said, "Hey! There's a floor in there?" laughing of course.  I had yarn everywhere.

Upon entering my closet,
I had a stack of clothing to try on, that was on some shelving.  I tried on every single piece, donated my larger (woohoo!) clothing, passed some on to a daughter, and re-stacked and organized.  No more digging around for the right apparel.  Workout clothing in one stack, sweaters in one, jeans in another, and "date" or out-on-the-town clothing in another.  Oh, and yard work/garden clothing in another.

Then I spotted a sweater that was not mine.  Ha!!!  It was my 19 year-old's sweater.  She asked me to do a sewing repair on it last winter.  Oye.  Ha.  Oye.  Ha.  I stopped what I was doing, got a needle and thread.  Boom!  Done.  Out of my closet.

Next?  I came across cup coasters for my 17 year-old's hope chest.  The ends were not sewn in.  Boom!  I did that too.  And she is storing them in her own room now.  

I found two crocheted washcloths.  Again, ends not sewn in.  Boom!  Done.  Those went straight to the bathroom.

The day continued to go that way, until it was time to call it a night.  And even then it was not "quitting time" for me.  While cleaning, I found a box of yarn my cousin sent me.  It contained scrap yarn balls from my Aunt who passed away a few years ago.  Most of the yarn will be added to the blanket I am currently crocheting.  The other items were sorted and placed in their proper homes.

There is one tote that is sitting on the floor just waiting for me to make a decision on.  

More on that later.  

You may find this one amusing.  Stay tuned.


  1. I may have to hire you to help me tackle my craft closet! You are an inspiration!!!!

  2. Good for you purging! It's great to have more open space....

  3. It's crazy but so true . . . the jobs we put off until "later" take such a short time to do if we just do it! Sure would save a lot of guilt and angst and time spent thinking about those things if we did them right away. (Easier said than done.) ;o}

  4. Susan, Hubby said he has been very impressed with my progress, ha ha!

  5. Mama Pea, I also found a dress in my closet, that my oldest daughter asked me to repair. She gave it to me a year ago (gulp).

  6. Little Homestead, it has been wonderful to let go of things and really clean out stuff.

  7. This post was so motivating! I am trying to clean out, sort, organize, downsize and more! LOL! I too am starting to handle things as they come along instead of waiting or putting aside but before I do that (in the afternoon usually), I ensure I have dinner planned and prepped, bills paid and clean clothes/laundry taken care of...then I work on those "other" projects. It makes me feel good to know when I'm done or exhausted or whatever comes first that I will have clean clothes and food to eat and a roof over my head! LOL! You go girl! Love your ripple blanket...I may be doing one to use up my acrylic stash.

  8. Sam I Am, it's so easy to put a job to the side, of which we don't want to do (or don't have the time). I hope to get all my cleaning done by spring.


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