Monday, February 27, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  It's Happy Homemaker Monday!

The weather. . .
 is cool, but not too cold, and there is no snow on the ground.  There is no visible sunrise this morning either.  Just cloud cover, and the look of winter out there (minus the snow).

On my bedside table. . .
 an empty water cup, a framed photo of Hubby and I

On my reading pile . . .
 I'm about a 1/3 of the way through this book.

On my TV. . .
 Last night, when Hubby and I wanted to turn in very early and watch TV, and just relax, it was all reruns.  Every movie we tried to watch, we realized we already watched it. Ha!  We have debated on dropping our cable.  That is still up in the air.  I have to check on prices for an antennae today.  If I remember.

On the menu this week. . .
 -pizza casserole
 -apricot pork tenderloin
 -stuffed bell peppers
...that's my start of the week anyway.  And lots of veggie sides and after school snacks.

On my to-do list. . .
2.animal chores, let goats out, water them, collect eggs walks - 3 times before the kids get home secretary again (have to print off and write letters etc.)
5.paint cupboard doors and possibly the cupboard too around for lower car insurance to check on rates if we drop our cable
8.dinner prep
9.breakfast prep for the on-the-go folks in this house
10.floors - vaccuum, sweep
11. looks like I need to make a complete dusting round again
12. fetch firewood, kindling
13. empty ashes
14. start back at a complete cleaning of the master bath
15. write, submit a few articles for possible publishing
16. drive to town and drop off a few "samples" of my handiwork for possible consignment selling
17. laundry
18. dump egg shells on garden
19. make tea infusion
....the list is never ending, but today I feel a bit overwhelmed.

I am still cracking walnuts, and have about 1/4 of the box of popcorn to deal with yet.  I think we'll get about 3 quarts of popcorn, but we've already started to enjoy it too.  I also have fruit in the freezer that needs to be thawed and made into jamAs you can see, I don't run out of work.

What I am sewing, knitting, crocheting or creating. . .
 I finished this last night, but need to sew in my ends.

Looking forward to. . .
 ...2pm.  That's my cut off time to get "5 minutes to myself" before the kids come home and chatter on.

Looking around the house. . .
...I see small cupboard doors I have off the wall and ready to paint.  I'm painting a cupboard that is in a small room in the house.

From the camera. . .

 I finished this hand towel last Friday, and have plans to make one more and even possibly washcloths. 

Wearing today. . . 
 work out clothes, shoes and a fitbit

One of my simple pleasures. . . 
  ...a winter crock pot night.  I steal away to my room about 4pm, before dinner, and crochet, knit, write (just relax) for an hour.  Or even organize something that I have been do desperately wanting to do.  I know my time for this activity will end as soon as spring hits, so I'm enjoying it for now.

Bible verse, Devotional. . . 
"Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow."  Proverbs 13:11


  1. Your list is HUGE, I'm overwhelmed looking at it! I gave up television completely back in 2010. But it wasn't because I wanted to television died and I was too broke to buy a new one. It took me a while to get used to not flipping on the tv in the evenings. But I had a subscription to Netflix and it was good at the time. My boyfriend never had a television either, so when we met, we had that in common. Now, we download movies and television series, and we watch stuff on You Tube. We watched almost the entire series of Andy Griffith on Daily Motion as well. Right now we watch on our laptops, but eventually we agreed we'd like to get a big screen for our future living room so we can watch movies theater style! Well, not THAT big, but bigger than a laptop!

  2. Are those homemade English muffins in your first photo? They look amazing!

  3. You have a busy week coming up! Wow! Your crocheted dish towel turned out beautiful. That's a lot work. You have a lot of great meals planned. Hope you have a great week!

  4. Wow! You got a lot done for one day! I got rid of Dish and for about $50 or $60 several years back now, I bought a Roku and I get lots of stations. My son gave me Netflix for myself and when they come to visit with all the kids so I have that but I watch a lot on You Tube from my T.V. Podcasts and old movies. I must admit I enjoy Netflix but I have no idea how much it costs.
    I hung out clothes today and then it clouded up and there was rain on the radar so they were mostly dry except for one thick sweatshirt but I got them all in and then the sun came out and narry a drop of rain fell all afternoon! But if I had left them out there it would have poured, I'm sure! LOL! When I went to the store they had gardening plants out and herbs....I was so tempted! LOL! Enjoy your evening.

  5. Yummy menu, especially the stuffed peppers :) Your crochet and knitting are wonderful. Love the crocheted hand towel, such beautiful colors.

    Hope you have a great week!

  6. Rain, Hubby and I have watched series on a laptop too. I'm checking into many options, and it will really save us money.

  7. Pamela, they are homemade. I am trying a new flour in them and will have a post soon. The original recipe is online. I'll share that link again too.

  8. Sam I Am, they start selling potted and hanging flowers very early here too. In our parts, we'll get a frost up to Mother's Day and some odd years even after that (so I delay buying too).

  9. Wow, your list is long! I think I'd be bit overwhelmed as well. We gave up cable 15 years ago when we had our youngest son. We seldom miss it. Not sure I could give up Netflix though. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  10. Jean, Hubby is the reason we haven't given up cable. He's too much of a "softie" when it comes to the kids, ha ha! However, we've talked to them, and they understand we can't pay that much for just a few shows that they primarily watch.


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