Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining up with Sandra, at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom, for Happy Homemaker Monday today.  My back is getting a super work out (and a painful one).  I'm on my 6th load of laundry, and have 2 more to go, and it's already noon.  Yikes.

The weather. . . 
Is beautiful.  I bit cool, but the sun is shining brightly.  

On my bedside table. . .
  Is a reminder of what I need to do today, yarn scraps, and an empty water glass.

On my reading pile. . .
 Still reading "Don't Let Go" until I look at other books I have.

On my TV. . .
 Netflix.  We are once again considering dropping the cable.  The only thing holding Hubby back is the kids and their shows.  I think we need to drop it.  It's gone up again.

On the menu this week. . .
 ~BBQ turkey, roasted veggies
 ~Southwestern quesadillas with a lime sauce
 ~Chicken teriyaki
 ~Baked mac n' cheese, green beans cooked with kale and hot sauce, and another veggie I haven't decided on
 ~not sure on the rest yet

On my to-do list. . .
laundry, more to get out and back in today (this is a photo from today)
clean masterbath half way (half tomorrow)
file bills
make a call
pick up a book at the library
hang clothes up
put clean sheets on the bed

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating. . .

 ...still crocheting this scrap yarn blanket.  It's my main focus right now.  I hope to finish it this week.

Looking forward to. . .
..getting the study painted, furniture moved, new curtains up, and new houseplants.

Looking around the house . . .
 ...lots to do, lots to do...

From the camera. . .
Infusing some herbal teas.

What I am wearing. . .
 ...fancy pocket jeans, tennis shoes, long sleeved shirt underneath a t-shirt - it's clean sweep-the-house day.  It gives me a fresh start to the week (having a clean bathroom, clean bedding, washed rugs etc.)

One of my simple pleasures. . .
Snacking on nuts, but I have to be careful of those calories.  Yikes.

Bible Verse, Devotional. . . 
" He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV


  1. Ugh, that's a LOT of laundry but I'm sure it smells great when you bring it in from outdoors. I haven't hung laundry on a clothesline for years. Southwestern quesadillas sound delicious - now you've got me wanting some Tex-Mex food. Have a great week!

  2. How nice to be able to hang your clothes on the line outside! There's nothing that smells so fresh and comforting as clothes dried in the sun and breeze. My goal this year is to have a clothesline installed so I can hang up clothes like my parents did.

  3. Thanks Pamela, the laundry smelled wonderful.

  4. Harvest Moon by Hand, I love hanging my laundry outside. Not only does it smell good, but I lower my electric bill and get exercise too.

  5. It was beautiful and breezy, yet chilly here today too...a perfect day for hanging out laundry which is exactly what I did.
    I love hanging out what some women in the old days called "flats" which were sheets, pillow cases, tablecloths, towels, washcloths, etc., first of all, drying towels outside makes them far more absorbent, and secondly, because it makes them fresher and cleaner/more sanitary because of the sunshine.
    I do hang out my around-the-house clothes too. About the only clothes I put in the dryer are my work uniform and my better clothing that will wrinkle if hung outside.
    I think scrap blankets are the prettiest of all. Some colors that might not look good placed next to each other, work just fine if spaced out with those that do first.
    Have decided we're going through far too many paper towels here, so I'll be looking for some cotton yarn that I can crochet/knit some kitchen wash cloths with.
    Bob behaved well with me today, and I'm thankful for that.
    Prayers everyone has a great day tomorrow, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  6. RB, I go through many flour sack towels I do embroidery on. Once the kids all move out, I won't be washing and drying so many dishes (or I hope anyway).

  7. Is it wrong that your hanging laundry is so beautiful to me lol I cant wait till I can hang my laundry outside! I've been trying to convince hubby to put up lines in our back yard. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  8. Oh how jealous I am that you can hang your clothes out this time of year! Here in PA we have freezing temps! Definitely not good clothesline weather! I look forward to spring when I can get the clothes back out on the line! :) I love the smell of line-dried clothes! :)

  9. Row, it's been a strange Feb. for us this year. We are approaching 60 degree weather this weekend, and there has been very little snow.

  10. Katy, the weather has been flipping from very cold to warm lately. The grass is green most days and the goats are loving it, but it worries me (with fruit trees etc). I am worried they will blossom too early and I will lose the fruit (s).

  11. I know I've told you this before but can I tell you again how much I appreciate hearing about someone who actually does house work? So many of the blogs are full of "fluff" but yours is so authentic and real! Plus, it motivates me! LOL! I love hearing about your days and what you are up to! You go girl!

  12. Sam I Am, I clean house almost daily - laundry, floors, counters, dishes, sorting, filing, paperwork. I just can't function when I see chaos,and it's hard to stay ahead of it with so many kids still living at home.


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