Thursday, January 19, 2017

What's goin' on in the kitchen?

Bread baking has resumed.

 I made a batch of flourless brownies too.

One of my breakfast dishes lately - eggs, homemade bread with homemade sweet potato butter.

We have ample supply of blueberries, so I pulled some to make cookies.  I didn't have lemon zest in my freezer, so I used some homemade lemon extract.

Mmm!  Ginger tea and blueberry cookies. 

 I still have a good supply of pumpkin.  

I pulled some for a pumpkin/sage macaroni dish.  And some garden green beans. Thankfully, I was smart enough to freeze mozzarella cheese.  I had to use organic rotini noodles.  It's what I had in stock, but it worked nicely.

Tonight's dinner?  Breakfast - blueberry pancakes, bacon and potatoes with peppers and onion.



  1. Everything looks yummy! I made pumpkin butter a few years ago and didn't care for it compared to apple butter so I'm not sure I would care for sweet potato either but then never say never. It was good but I just prefer the apple. I love breakfast for supper! Have you ever made your own cheese? I would think with your goats you would have a great supply of goat milk? I got one of those kits but haven't tried it yet. It is supposed to be very easy; especially the soft cheeses. The cupcakes look good but I'm not a big chocolate fan either...I know, what's wrong with me, right? I may be the only woman on the planet that is not a chocolate fiend. When I make chocolate chip cookies I use very few chocolate chips! LOL! But lots of nuts.....that says it all....I'm a squirrel!

  2. P.S. Have you seen 5 Acres and a Dream's bundle of self-sufficiency books on sale? YOu can reach her from my blog, on the side bar. I'm not sure I can resist even though I won't use them until I move but what great info! I ends the 23rd I think.

  3. Sam I Am, thank you. I'll zip over and take a look.


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