Thursday, January 26, 2017

What's Cookin'?

Strawberry Chocolate chip muffins.  These were so delicious.  I sort of made it up.  To save on the organic milk budget, I used powdered milk, then tossed in some leftover mini-chocolate chips.  The family loved these for breakfast or snack.  It uses canola oil, so here is where my canned applesauce comes in handy to stretch that budget too.  Organic oil is not cheap either.

Keeping an eye on rotating the freezer meat stash, I thawed some sausage (not eaten that often).  I whipped up a sausage, potato, turnip green (Ioaded with freezer chives) frittata.

Chowder in the making.  I took this photo before (frozen off the cob) corn, milk etc. was added.  I added garden cauliflower and used onion soup from the freezer to start.  I saved half the sausage from the when I prepared the frittata, and added to half of this for the meat eaters in the house.  YUM!  

Due to unfortunate (health) circumstances at the recent holidays, candy was not made.  I decided to make a batch of hard tack candy. I used Lorann butterscotch flavor, but this year I am looking for organic flavorings.  I have not yet found any.  

I used organic/non-gmo corn syrup, but we just need to tweek the flavorings.

I didn't take a photo, but I also baked up a large batch of spaghetti, popping open some home canned tomato sauce.  I added spinach to the sauce this time, split it for vegetarians, then added delicious organic beef for the meat eaters.  I love making spaghetti, because we have a good supply of leftovers, and I can take a few days off in the kitchen.  Unless I want to bake a side, which we all enjoy.  I am dwindling down the strawberry supply, but our blueberries are in overload.  Maybe more blueberry cookies?  Snack cake?  Something different?  I guess I need to check my butter supply first.

Okay, now I am very hungry for breakfast.  Thank goodness I have a few pieces of frittata.


  1. I was just about to head to the kitchen to make cheezy eggs with Onion/mushrooms/kale. You frittata inspired me to get a move on! SOmetimes we pull out a few blueberries and eat them while still frozen as "candy". Just a thought in case the butter is running low!

  2. You are definitely making up for lost time!

  3. We, too, have an abundance of our blueberries in the freezer. I might make some more jam from some of them as I think that's my new favorite. Papa Pea loves Blueberry Pie with a streusel-like crumb top crust. I've been mixing them in with our morning oatmeal which is really good. Of course, blueberry smoothies are yummy, but we find in the cold weather we don't drink many smoothies.

    You can get organic flavorings from Frontier Co-op. Just type that name in on your search engine and you can order them online, but our organic co-op in town carries them.

  4. Kim, our one dog Jesse, absolutely loves blueberries. I sometimes take one out for him for a treat.

  5. Susan, I think that stint in the hospital caused me to get more done, ha ha!

  6. Mama Pea, I wanted to make steel cut oats with them, but our milk supply is down. I need to shop this weekend. Or next. I too, like a crumb crust pie. Maybe I will bake a pie this weekend. Yum!


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