Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Laundry on the Line

The "homesteader" in me has been in my blood for years.  Hanging laundry outside has been a habit of mine, even when I lived in the city.  I was ever so thankful to have a long two line clothesline in my very first house.

It was at the house, where I planted my very first herb garden, and first tomato plant too.  Even our first pumpkin vine and green bean plant.

Oh, I had a dryer.  The inexpensive kind, and I hardly used it.  I loved taking my laundry outside.  I got exercise, movement, fresh air, and could enjoy the outdoors, even for a short while.

My laundry always smelled so good bringing it back in too.

Many, what I call "city" people, complain that they have no time to hang laundry out.  And that it's "more work" etc.  For some it's just physically not possible.  I understand that, and some day I may be struggling with that (hopefully not) too.  We can always put wheels on the laundry basket, ha ha!

When we go camping, it's automatic for me to pack a clothesline and wooden clothespins.  

We dry our dish towels, rags and beach/shower towels on the line.  For some really crazy reason, it makes me smile.  It's our happy moment, where time slows down, and rushing halts so we can enjoy the moment.

I'm thankful to have so many talented homesteading women, who sew.  It is one handicraft I do not always have time for (other than sewing handmade goat coats, ha ha!).  I love my handmade aprons, that get washed and dried outside too.

Winter doesn't slow me down either.  We shovel the snow, and put the heaviest items outside.  A good swift wind and sunshine can dry them 50% or 100%.  Just depends on the weather.

Clotheslines come in handy to wash all those winter coats and jackets too.  Who wants to dry all those in the dryer?  Not me.  Then again, I'm a crazy Mom with many kids.  Many kids need many coats.

There was one last photo I could not find.  If I do, I'll share it.  My kids do their own laundry.  They also put it on the line.  One day my one daughter put her clothes out, in the fashion of a rainbow.  Each top, making the next color of the rainbow.  It was a proud Mom moment, where one daughter found fun in her daily work.

I hope you had fun "traveling" through my clothesline banter today.  I may have encouraged you to hang something outside too.  Work isn't always work.  Over the years I've learned to enjoy the surroundings, no matter what season it is, and no matter what the job is.   


  1. Kristina, this post was a beauty. I am glad you are feeling better.

  2. There is nothing that compares to hanging clothes on a line to dry. When my dryer bit the dust three years ago, I didn't replace it. I hang my laundry on the line and, if the weather is too awful to do it, I use my drying racks - works fine but I miss the fresh air smell! Loved your post - it made me think of sunnier days.

  3. I love the chore of hanging clothes on the line.

  4. Thank you Kim. I am so happy to get up and feel better each day.

  5. Susan, we have 4 indoor drying racks, and a small clothesline in my utility room. The other day I used them all, including shower rods, and towel rods. One year, I out a broom over two chairs to make more room. I do love it when the weather is good too.

  6. Oh how I love the smell of laundry dried outside in the soft breeze of fresh air! Hmm, now I just have to figure out how to get the clothes line up! :)

    Lost my blog recently, no doing on my part. Luckily I save the code periodically so at least I had that. I couldn't get my blog name back however, so now its: Hope you can pop over and follow me at the new digs!
    Hugs for now from snowy New Hampshire, and hope you have a Spectacular New Year!!!
    Beth P

  7. I hang all our flats outside, weather permitting. I just like the way they dry outside. When we lived in the city areas though, we didn't because they'd come in smelling musty for some reason. We've never had that problem since moving to the country, course there's almost always breeze out here and there wasn't in the city.
    I'm almost too OCD to hang clothes outside. I hang them all smallest to largest, lightest color to darkest. The OCD part comes at the end when I stand back to take a satisfied look at things. If one item is out of kilter, I'll have to do everything from that point on again. Just can't stand leaving my clothesline looking like that.
    I remember our Mom and us hanging clothes out lots of times in the summer. I remember hanging diapers out one winter day in NW PA, and they froze so stiff, we couldn't even fold them to get them in a clothes basket to bring them back in the house but had to stack them on top of one another like newspapers. From about then on, we used a dryer in wintertime. LOL
    Prayers everyone's having a great week, and there's a safe weekend ahead for us all too.
    God bless.

  8. RB, we've brought in towels that were frozen stiff one year. So funny too. Had to let them warm up inside to fold, ha ha!

  9. I love hanging my clothing outside. This summer my husband is making me a trellis clothes line. I will be able to hang my items in between two rose bunches.


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