Thursday, January 12, 2017

It's all good!

The "mason jar" challenge:

I have a cousin, who lives in CA, who has been in TV commercials and even been included as a character in her friend's published novel.  She is now a life coach.

She challenged folks to take a look at the positive and happy events in our lives and write them down on "pretty paper" and place them into a mason jar this year.  One per week.

Upon New Year's Eve, we dump them out and read them.  
So? ... I joined the challenge.

Heck, if we cut down that dang dead tree?  It's going in my jar.  Only to me would that be a "good" thing!  Ha ha!  

It's sort of like a gratitude journal in smaller notes.


  1. We did this a few years ago, it was pretty cool! Have fun with it!

  2. What a great challenge! Hubby and I have been talking the past few days about how to put a positive spin on everything that happens on a day-to-day basis . . . and emphasize the positive rather than letting ourselves get dragged into the even small negative things. Your cousin's suggestion is a good one. Wonder it will feel to read all the notes at the end of the year? (With me, it would probably cause a few, "What do you suppose I meant by this note?") ;o)

  3. I've heard of that before and it's a great idea. I journal every morning for an hour and always write down 10 things I am grateful for. I have been doing it for more than 25 years. I started journaling in order to get all negative thoughts out of my head so my day would be clear of them (there was a period in my life when I was like Mrs. Job from the Bible), then I would write a written prayer, 10 things I was grateful for and then my plans for the day. There's sure not much negative in my life anymore unless I interact too much with! But I still journal and it has been the key to my happiness....that and living alone! LOL! You go girl!


  4. I had to wait 2 yrs. for my sons to cut down some dead trees for me. I hope your tree gets "chopped."
    I had to laugh, so to not cry, when my son & grandson cut down my beautiful 15 yr.old maple because they were to cut down a crabapple tree! It was so awful I had to laugh. Here's to your "dang tree's" demise. Glad to see your health is improved.
    I love your blog, & your recipes. Regards, Sandy

  5. Mama Pea, you made me laugh. I am sure I'll have some to read, and wonder the same thing (what did I mean? ha ha!).

  6. Sam I Am, I will admit, I have been slacking in my journaling. All writing for that matter. I really need to make more time for it.

  7. Oh my gosh Sandy! They cut down the wrong tree? Oye! So glad you stopped in to read my blog and that you enjoy it!

  8. I LOVE the idea of the Gratitude Jar. When I worked in offices, I had a pretty basket that I put thank you notes I received from co-workers and customers into. On tough days, when I had the time, I'd read them, and it would help me feel better.
    I bet this jar would be that way too.
    Prayers everyone has a wonderful weekend planned. Prayers it's a safe one too.
    God bless.


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