Monday, January 30, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

Happy Homemaker Monday!  In all the not-so-fun tribulations brought to me already this morning, I will find the joy today.  I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today, with today's post.

The weather...
It's cold.  The snow is pretty much gone, and it's a typical, cloud covered sky.   We just had a few minutes of glorious sunshine.

On my reading pile...

...still reading this book 

 ...current pile from the library.  I can guarantee I'll have to check most of these out again.

On my TV....
 Neflix, hallmark channel

On the menu this week....
(in no particular order)
- Crock pot chicken Parmesan pasta, Italian roasted cauliflower
-BBQ boneless pork chops, steamed broccoli
-Cod, spinach, peas
-Pumpkin/sage macaroni, green beans
 (homegrown sweet potatoes still providing)

-many breakfast fritattas throughout the week
-many homemade snacks (breads, muffins, etc.)

On my to-do list...
 -laundry, bedding, etc.
 -barn animal chores 
 -take items to compost
 -water houseplants
 -bring in wood
 -dinner prep
 -breakfast prep so Hubby has leftovers for on-the-go
 -pay bills
 -sweep floors
 -trip to the post office
 -clean master bath 
 -work on my daily deep clean project
 -research and write 

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating...
I finished this scrap yarn scarf (Corner to Corner {C2C} stitch) using leftover smaller balls of yarn, while crocheting...

....this scrap yarn blanket (with any yarn that I had that would make it across at least once.)  The blanket is now about 50 inches long. 

Looking around the house....

 (yes, tulips in the bathroom)

 I'm so happy I brought home some "day old" tulips to put around the house.  Even if they only last a few days, it's put a smile on my face.  My hard work at deep cleaning, is paying off and I'm counting down the days to when I can paint a room and get more done.

From the camera....
(taken this month believe or not)

Something fun to share....
The corner to corner crochet stitch is fun.  If you crochet, check it out online.  There are many tutorials.

What I am wearing today.....
 Right now, sweatpants so I can exercise, and do my yoga stretches.  I've been doing my sciatica stretches religiously, morning and night, due to that recent, long hospital bed stay. 

One of my simple pleasures.....

  A long soak in the tub, with organic essential oils and epsom salts.

Bible verse, devotional.....


  1. I love tulips! Yours look beautiful. Those are some very interesting selections from the library. Your link didn't carry over properly - when I click on your link on Sandra's post, it takes me back to her post. Can you fix it so you don't miss any visitors? Have a great week.

  2. I love making "scrapghans"! Your's are beautiful :)

    Have a great week!


  3. Love all the color in your pictures! Chirks a person right up. (Can you tell we have NO SUN here again today? I'm beginning to doubt it still shines on northern Minnesota.) The tulips are wonderful. Fresh flowers this time of year are so welcomed!

  4. Thanks Mama Pea. We got a bit of sunshine yesterday, but only for a short time. I was, however, very happy to get what we got.


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