Friday, December 30, 2016

Random Tidbits

There is indeed a kitten in one of our barns.  A long haired, female, calico of sorts.  Not good.  Leo, is not "fixed" and so we'll need to be making a move soon.  Fix Leo, find a home for the feral or somewhat feral kitten.  Hm.  No more rooms at the Inn, and I do not want kittens.  Who does?

Made some headway with getting better - laundry, cleaned the wood stove, picked up some some clutter, making the coffee every morning, washed the bedding, etc.

Don't ever try to write a blog post when your 17 year-old daughter is up making you breakfast - chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter.....

....she's still talking, ha ha!

Hubby has been asked to work so much overtime.  I think there is a lack of knowledgeable workers for the parts that need fixed, and he's plum tired every night.  I told him he was a grouch last night, and he slowly warmed up to being home and in peace.  Not on "work" schedule.

Bought this book from a used book store a year ago.  I'm finally reading it, and about 1/3rd of the way through it.  I had no idea what the book was about, and so far, it's been pretty good.



  1. Glad to hear your daughter (daughters?) is/are pitching in on the cooking. (Ha, if someone fixed breakfast for me, I'd be glad to listen to the chatter! But I know what you mean . . . I can't think and listen at the same time.)

    Hope your hubby is home from work and not too tired to enjoy an at-home New Year's Eve. You both deserve a lovely evening together . . . and at home is a great spot.

  2. Mama Pea, Hubby is off today, and we joked to let his cell phone die so work can't call him in (ha ha!). We are planning a day out today to get me outside and get some fresh air - lunch, grocery shopping, and then he wants to watch the football game tonight. The girls have all sorts of snacks planned, including fresh fruit and fruit dip (my favorite). They even have the sparkling grape juice to celebrate the new year. I just plan on hunkering down in warm, cozy jammies and crocheting by my husband's side. I'm looking forward to him being home, even if I don't understand all the football moves. Before I got sick, I borrowed a book from the library on "football for idiots" and of course that book will cost me a large library late fine (and I never got to read it). I'm looking forward to brunch tomorrow morning too. Hubby makes the best omelets and I am getting bacon for the first time in over a month!!!

  3. That author sounds familiar but not the book title. Glad you are inching your way back to good health and activities. You are so right about listening to our bodies too! Take care and I hope your hubby gets some time off and rest over the New Year weekend. Happy New Year!


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