Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas Goat Fun!

Courtesy of my 20 year-old "Vet-Tech" in training daughter - happy photos of the goats.  She dressed up all of her animals and took fun photos of them playing (including her rabbit!).  This brought smiles to my face, as I am unable to walk to the barn yet.  Gosh I just love these guys.  They are sporting their Christmas collars and bells, ha ha!  Of course they were not left on, but they seemed to enjoy playing around with them.


  1. I'm loving your blog, but I'm so sorry to read about how ill you've been. I understand totally how you feel. I hope you're slowly returning to health now.x

  2. Thank you Yarrow, I so much want to be back to "normal" but trying to take it slow.

  3. Little Homestead, yes, I am feeling better each day and each day my stomach feels so much better. Nights are the worst I think, as I am trying to sleep through the entire night. I was woken up so many times in the hospital for 10-11 days, that I need time to get my sleep pattern back to normal. I am so hungry too and can't wait to get more in my diet. I am so glad I have home canned applesauce and fresh bananas for fruit right now.

  4. Hilarious!!!
    Goats are pretty much, "If I can't eat it, get it outta here." LOL
    Praying you're getting better with each day that passes, and you rest far longer than you feel like you want to too.
    God bless.

  5. Dear Kristina,,, just wanted to pop in and hope you are back to your ol'self again supper soon and to wish you a Very Merry Christmas...

  6. Thank you Katmom, and I wish for your holidays to be super fun too.


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