Thursday, November 17, 2016

More Pumpkins ~ It's Walnut Time ~ Feeling Festive

My go-to produce stand had a few more pie pumpkins, so I stopped in and picked them up. He's getting to close it up I think.

Those are roasted and in the freezer now too. I have 6 more cups now.

Guess what else I'm doing?

Cracking locally grown walnuts.  I'm so thrilled about this.  We were invited to come get them ourselves (pick them), and we have not had time.  Hubby's co-worker, not only picked them for us, but gifted us two bags of them.  I'm so excited to get these. 

School closed due to fog yesterday, so I jumped on that opportunity and high-tailed it outside with two young, less ambitious than I, daughter helpers.  Side patio table, odds and ends, were all put away for winter, herb pots pushed up to the house, tomato stakes all in storage (except for a few that fell out of the garden cart and I missed), leaves all swept off, and one hose put away.  

Feeling a bit more accomplished, and with a slight bit of play time, and feeling a wee bit festive......

I dug through the freezer to rotate out older cranberries and made us a pot of hot cranberry punch.

Writing update this month?  Well, I fell off the wagon for several days, but jumped back on again.

I feel I lack my gusto, because I haven't read much either.  To write better, I need to read books.  I have not had the time.  I got these from the library, and hope to crack one open.  Even if it's 15-30 minutes a day.  Ha! And that is pushing it.    

Fog was thick all night, but go figure.  Every school in the area is delayed today but ours.  Our 17 year-old daughter has to be driven to school early for her National Honor Society meeting.  Guess who's driving her there in her pajamas? She's taking her driver's test tomorrow.  Cross your fingers.  


  1. What beautiful walnuts! Pure gold! I know what you mean about reading. I have been knitting up a storm, but that's not exactly stimulating the saggy brain cells. I need to hit the library, too. Hope your daughter passes - it's always helpful to have another driver.

  2. The pumpkins and punch look so good, warm and comforting. I can hardly wait to smell our Thanksgiving meal cooking, but since we both work on Thanksgiving Thursday, we'll be doing it on Friday instead. Yum!!!
    I hope everyone's having a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  3. Susan, you are right about the walnuts. Hubby wants to find a place to get two trees next spring. We are very late at getting our daughter her driver's education classes and to this point of her test. The class runs $285.00 in our area, prior to the test.

  4. RB, I have a daughter that is working on Thanksgiving too. It seems weird, because when I was younger, everything was closed on Thanksgiving.


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