Monday, October 24, 2016

Pie Pumpkin Puree

I purchased 8 pie pumpkins so far, and roasted them all for puree.  The first 6  weighed in about 15.71 lbs. 
I typically cut them and clean them all, and roast them all in one day.  This time I roasted two a day, until I was done.  I have a dog that likes to steal food, so I made sure I didn't have a lot going on.  Funny how all the dogs don't touch the tomatoes.  Anyway...

I used parchment paper this year.  I usually add water and cover, but not this year.  It works pretty well too.  Parchment paper isn't cheap, so I buy it at our dollar store for $1 a box.  It gets me through the holiday baking season on a dime as well.

Tip of the day for you all:  I use my melon baller to get every little bit of pumpkin off the skins (after roasting) without getting the skins.  It works better than a spoon.

The first 6 pie pumpkins gave me about 9 pints of pumpkin puree.  The last two will be soon be roasted.  

Sunday this week was our day "off."  Hubby and I took off and joined up with 5 other bikers.   We all rode to two different towns together, and both rides basically along a river.  One trip to a historical town for a meal, and one to a new Harley store.  I was the only woman in the group, but they didn't seem to mind it.  Boy are they all funny too.  We had a great time, and they are already making plans for a ride if the weather is still nice later.  Even the neighbor to one of the guys came out to film us all taking off for our ride. Gosh, it will be tough this winter.  It really is our "therapy" in life.

Today, it's back to "reality."  I have lots of work to get done this week.  Lots of work.  A frost is predicted for Monday night, so I must get my garden tended to.  First, canning resumes.  I hope I can get it all done.  I know I have a few more cauliflower to cut and process, my hot and cold peppers all need picked and pulled, and then I can finally move out to pull my pinto beans.  Time is a tickin' and here I sit procrastinating. I do miss having help.  


  1. You'll have to find a different therapy for winter....snowmobiling? When I roast pumpkins I just let them cool and peel the skin off and then cut it into chunks before I put it in the food processor. It peels easily after roasting...likety split!

  2. I bet your house smelled wonderful while the pumpkins were baking. I remember as a child, our dad making roasted acorn squash. He'd cut it in half, get the seeds out, and then would fill the hole with brown sugar and butter, and boy, was it ever good.
    I know a long time ago, many wouldn't eat tomatoes cause they were part of the nightshade family and were considered poisonous. I know there are many things pigs won't eat, green peppers and cucumbers are the ones I remember. I can't remember if they eat tomatoes or not.
    Hope everyone's having a wonderful week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.


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