Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Green Tomato Chutney ~ Green Tomato Relish.

I brought in 17# of green tomatoes before our frost, so I canned a simple green tomato chutney.  

There are so many recipes, I just wanted to try a simple one first.  It filled 6 half-pints (tripled recipe), so I hope it's tasty.  This came from the book "Foolproof Preserving."  It appears I could have thickened it just a bit more, but it was already sticking to the pan.

What was next?

I used 4 more pounds (double batch) to make our first green tomato salsa, which came with raving reviews.  I canned a double batch, giving us 6 pints.   

 Green tomato salsa relish.  I was given the tip that this recipe is delicious!  No sugar either.   As you can see, I had to use my last blue ball jars and some wide mouth jars. Jars are running low again.

The chutney will be tasted on pork chops or chicken, or even a cheese sandwich.  The salsa can be eaten with chips, added to rice, quinoa, millet, green beans, peas, mixed into black beans, on burgers, topped on a breakfast burrito...endless ideas.

Oh, and it looks like "Christmas" so consider these for gifting. 


  1. Hee-hee! I'm beginning to think your supply of tomatoes is ENDLESS. It's getting kinda scary, Kristina!!

  2. Isn't it wonderful to be putting food in the pantry. When the Lord blesses us with his richness it feels like a hug from above. I hope hubs is feeling better today.

  3. Great ideas! Especially about the Christmas colors. I wish they would sell green tomatoes in the stores! LOL!

  4. Mama Pea, Hubby is ready to start tossing them at the barn or something, ha ha!

  5. Sam I Am, if you have any local produce stands nearby, they may sell you some.


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