Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Beautiful Sunrise ~ Garlic ~ Me

Yesterday morning, the sunrise was just gorgeous.  I took this in the beginning.  Then I took this photo...

That was about the time the school bus came.  Then I was getting ready to do laundry, and another dog wanted to go out.

I ran back inside and grabbed my camera before that little bit of rainbow disappeared.  Do you see it?  In the center?  I heard it was a double rainbow, as one of my daughter's saw it going to class. 

A few months ago, I pre-ordered a 1/2 pound of Russian Giant garlic. I counted 29 cloves cloves. This is new to the garden.

I also ordered 1/2 pound of Moroccan Creole Garlic.  I got exactly 52 cloves.  Those were planted.  I was very impressed on how many cloves per bulb it had.

It's not a lot of new garlic, but with my own garlic planted for the remainder of the space, I have about 200 bulbs planted for next year - three varieties.   

Apparently, Dallas wants to be a free range goat, ha ha!   The other week, he was out roaming and followed the dogs inside before our daughter knew it.  He was inside the door just walking around in the house, ha ha!  The last time we ran out of hay, he was mad and learned to jump the stall in the barn, in which he can walk right out and enjoy the grass on the other side of the fence (even though they have a large fenced area).  Most days he just sticks around the barn, but yesterday.....yeah.  He was nibbling down the poison ivy, so I just kept an eye on him, then all the sudden he was up to the door looking in, ha ha!  Then eating peppermint out of my herb pots.  Oye.  Had to holler for the kids to put him on a tie out.   What a cantankerous goat.

I spent the afternoon slicing and dicing bell peppers.  I still have hot peppers to take care of today.  I want to get it all done before we get our first frost.  Part of the stuffed peppers will be our dinner tonight too.  Last night's ham bean soup went into the freezer for winter as well.  With only 3 meat eating people, soup can easily be stocked up now.  I'm just running out of freezer space.

I am finally sharing a photo of myself.  My 9th grade daughter and I did a small "photo shoot" while the pot simmered last night.  I was in "dressy" clothing due to the expected company we were having (which didn't happen due to Hubby working over time).  

Anyway, you get to meet me finally.  The above photo was from SeptemberHubby and I had just been on a motorcycle ride, and I went out to care for the hens in the evening. He and one daughter were pulling in with a load of hay and just starting laughing.  They both said "Biker chick meets farmgirl" and snapped this photo.  I thought you would enjoy, ha ha!

Today, it's back into garden garb.  I need to bandage my cuts and scrapes from yesterday's work before going out.  And that would be after I stuff peppers


  1. How wonderful to "meet" you! I have to say that you are as lovely as I thought you would be. I love that fusion picture - biker/farmer...I tried some new garlic this time around, too. I'll be interested to see how it does - hopefully, without having to experience a droughty growing season.

  2. Some beautiful pictures there, including the one of yourself. About the farm girl, when I'm just hanging around the house doing chores and such, much of what I wear would look like rags to some folks, but it suits me fine, and if something gets stained or torn, who cares. When I leave the house, however, I do put on nice clothes. Never know who you're going to meet then.
    Prayers everyone is having a great week, and a safe one too.
    Much of NC east of I-95 and south of I-40 is still under flood waters following Hurricane Matthew including some hospitals and schools, so there's no school in those counties for the rest of the week.
    God bless.

  3. Thank you for sharing your life and now your photo Kristina - you are beautiful inside and out!

  4. Susan, thank you. I am excited to try some new varieties of garlic too. I am also planting them in a different area, and hope to get a better harvest.

  5. RB, much of my day is in old clothing, and no make up etc. I often wonder what guests would think if they just dropped in. Hoping everyone is safe from the hurricane.

  6. I'm so late catching up on your posts. Have had company and have fallen way off my usual routine!

    Loved seeing the picture of you! Thanks for sharing. Here all this time I've been picturing you in my mind with your shorter hair . . . but I guess that was a couple of years ago already! You have a gorgeous head of hair. Lovely smile and your inner beauty shines through!

  7. What great photos! I did see a picture of you briefly camping several years back I think but it wasn't a full face. I love 'biker chick meets farmgirl'! You're a cutie for sure!


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