Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Recovery

While Hubby took a nap, I took a little walk out to the tomatoes and fall green beans to check on them.  And the remaining cauliflower (which looks great due to some recent rain).

I ended up coming in for a basket, and picked 21# of tomatoes.  That brings the grand tally to 365.39# this season.  

However, in all that picking, the wind was wicked, and I lost one of my favorite earrings that I don't wear that often (it was a special occasion to wear them for Hubby's ride home).  It was a wake up call to me.  I think I lost it in the tomatoes somewhere.

I should not have gone to the garden.
  I should have curled up with Hubby.  We later enjoyed porch time, while my 19 year-old cooked dinner for everyone.  He was so happy, had renewed energy, and he's already talking about cutting wood, and so forth. 

Today, it will take all of my energy to keep them man from doing any work today.  He has to keep his activity to a low level and he is fired up.

The tomatoes will sit again (as well as the pears, green peppers, yellow squash, dandelions, etc).  I'm thinking I may try canning spaghetti sauce if I have enough.  If not, later this week I'll just whip up some ketchup or tomato soup again.  Either way, despite the tomato explosion (and their timing) I am glad to have them.  Then again, Hubby gave me permission to throw them at the barn to release stress, ha ha!  He also said he can't wait to cut that tree and watch it land on the tomatoes.  He is so cantankerous right now.  Then again, when is he not? 

In a day or two, I'll be back in the garden. As for today, it's a stay-cation day.  Or something like that.

Again, thank you all for your well wishes, happy thoughts, and prayers.  I very much appreciate them.  And I know Hubby does as well.


  1. Your hubby's suggestion of throwing those tomatoes at the barn to release stress is one of the best I've heard in a long time. You need to relieve your stress and get rid of the tomatoes . . . it would be a win-win situation. Plus, there's always the chance your strong pitching arm could knock the barn down and you could cross that task off the list once and for all!!

    So glad things are going so well, BUT you still need to take care of yourself!

  2. Cantankerous is a good sign but as they say "it's hard to keep a good man down". My son who just had shoulder surgery is having the same problem...sitting and doing nothing is like a punishment. So happy he is home where he can at least relax and get some well-earned too! I will continue to pray for him and you and your family for a full recovery and a healthy future!

  3. So glad that your husband is home and on the mend.

    I wonder if you might find your earring if you went out to the tomato patch with a flashlight this evening at dusk or later. Try shining it around the plants looking for a twinkling of shiny gold, silver or gem stone.

  4. I know you are all very happy to have time together on the porch. Honestly - the tomatoes will wait and, if not, you sure have had quite a haul! Enjoy your time together and good luck getting that hardworking hubby of yours to rest!

  5. Mama Pea, Hubby gave me the green light to pull tomato plants. Only after he gets one more green tomato cake, ha ha!

  6. Sam I Am, we did some light walking yesterday, and plan on it today too.

  7. Fairview Farm, that is an excellent idea! I went out and looked, but it was day time. Thanks!

  8. Susan, I told Hubby, the very least I may need to do, is feed the tomatoes to the chickens if they over ripen. We had breakfast on the porch, even though it was much cooler yesterday.

  9. It's funny how antsy we all get when we've been sick and then we get to feeling a little better, often overdo and then end up having to heal again.
    Praising God for the abundance in your garden this year, and prayers you can keep hubby still for as long as he needs to be.
    God bless.


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