Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Barbecue Sauce ~ Gutting the Garden

The first year I canned BBQ sauce was 2 years ago when we had a bumper tomato crop.  It was the ball canning recipe.

We did not like the taste.  Just something about it.

Then, I came across Grit magazines homemade BBQ sauce, made from ketchup (we used home canned), pure maple syrup, dry mustard, black pepper, and cider vinegar.  It's not canned, but I was so excited to find it, because I wouldn't have to can it (just the ketchup).

So, while ketchup was reducing to can, I put a pot on another burner and whipped up a batch.


I tasted it off the spoon after I poured it into a jar to cool. This had the perfect consistency of a BBQ sauce, and looked great.  Then the taste test.  Sweet.  I had doubts.  It lacked spice.  But it was still good.

Last night's dinner was burgers and beets.  Hubby worked over a few hours and when he got home I explained what I made.  He poured it on his burger, took one bite, and opened the jar to put more on.  He loved it.  However, he later layered that sauce with jalapeno slices to give it a pop.

Next up?  We may try one more canned recipe.  It all depends on the tomato tally.  I really need to double up on needs before trying something new.

I just weighed out 20 pounds for another double batch of tomato soup to process today.  I have to leave the basil out this time.  The farmer's market is tonight, but I can't wait for it.  I tried other places and they were out too, so yeah, no basil this batch.  That's okay.  

I not only used all of my 4 oz. jars and pint jars I had on supply (and had to buy more, but now used up my 1 gallon of Bragg's apple cider vinegar. I had to place an order for 4 more quarts of organic/non-gmo white vinegar too.  It truly has been the best tomato year ever. 

The scary part is, that I am worried I won't get enough to try some new recipes.  He he he, ha ha ha ha.......or I am losing my mind.

If time allows, I will be starting to gut the garden today.  Out with the zucchini plants, out with the cucumber plants, out with broccoli, and I still have 1 1/2 rows of red potatoes to dig up.

Tonight is our daughter's last night of her 4 hour driver's education class.  Thank goodness.  Maybe we can get a bit of sanity back to our evenings. Maybe.


  1. I have never thought to can bbq sauce.
    Sounds yummy.
    I have not had much luck with canning tomato sauces.

  2. You're worried you won't get enough tomatoes to try some new recipes?? Yes, m'dear, you have lost your mind. Done gone over the edge completely. I keep wondering how you can even look at another tomato. You get the Gold Star for canning and preserving this year Now go yank out some of those plants so you can get a reprieve and some rest!

  3. Sandra, I seem to always get less sauce jars than the recipe states. I have to cook them down more than they say to get the thickness I want.

  4. Mama Pea, had to laugh at your comment. After I posted my blogpost, and got the soup back on the stove to reduce, it suddenly got dark out. Then it poured down. I didn't get to the garden, but got a double batch of tomato soup canned. Yes, I think I have just about lost my mind. I think we need a song about tomatoes now, ha ha!

  5. You get so much done while I've been having a harder time of keeping up with the house cleaning. I use to do a room a day. Somewhere along the way, that turned into 1/2 a room a day. Just getting old I guess (turned 69 this year, but I'm still kicking).
    Still, I'm able to keep up with the washing, hanging out the flat items, bringing them back in and folding them. And I work 10+ hours a week at my part-time job at the local grocery store. That's pretty good for an old gal.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend, and a safe one too.
    Remember, take time to smell the flowers. They're going to be gone before long.
    God bless.

  6. RB, thank you for that reminder. I need to get some porch time in.

  7. Why do you gut the garden? We always let ours go until the end...just curious. Not like you haven't done enough, mind you. Plus, it's still green down here so maybe you've already had a frost?

  8. Sam I am, we are tilling after we pull the dead plants out, and trying to cover as much as possible with plastic or tarps for the winter. We need to kill off more weeds.


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