Friday, August 12, 2016

Glorious Rain! ~ Homemade Graham Crackers

Thank you all for your happy thoughts and prayers for rain to arrive.  It arrived yesterday afternoon.   It poured for a very short time, but it came down hard. I was so relieved.  I think the downpour lasted only 15 minutes, but it was better than nothing at all.  Today, I will be checking for any new squash, and broccoli to pick.  And tomatoes. 

While it rained, I baked some homemade grahams.

It's been a while since I've made these.  I had fresh blueberry pie on my mind, and a graham crust.  Which then made me think to make the grahams to crush and freeze for winter time pie crusts too.  Those store bought graham crusts contain palm oil, palm kernel oil, and I think corn syrup.  And other nasty ingredients.

I love that these crackers are rolled between parchment paper.  Less mess.  I roll my dough onto two pans and cut them with a pizza cutter.  These smell so good while they are baking too.  The recipe I use is here:  Homemade Whole Wheat Graham Crackers


Thank you Susan for sharing the Sweet Corn and Zucchini Pie recipe.  I had just enough zucchini and corn to make this.  I used 50/50 of mozzarella and swiss cheese.  And of course our homegrown herbs.  And you can guess which daughter refused to try this vegetarian meal....the picky vegetarian (who doesn't like mushrooms).  We tried to tell her to just taste it, but that was a fail.  Either way, this meal recipe will stay in the recipe box.  The others went back for seconds.  It was tough to save a serving for Hubby to take to work, ha ha!


  1. Rain! Hooray! Like you said, every little bit helps. I'm glad (almost) everyone liked the pie - I think I will make it again this week myself. I loathe corn syrup but have to use it in a drench for my old ewe. I will have to say, she is thriving because of it (mixture to build up her iron level). But I never touch the stuff!

  2. Susan, we loved that recipe. As for the corn syrup, I only buy a small supply of organic/non-gmo. I use it to make the ice cream whiskey sauce and for my homemade teriyaki sauce (and a few sweet treats at Christmas).


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