Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Random Tidbits

In order to make bread pudding the other day, which is what the whiskey butterscotch sauce was for, I had to bake the bread.

This is apple pie bread pudding.  I bake it in a pie pan.  I've only made this twice, and each time tweeking the recipe a bit.  It's a bit dry on top, and not like the ooey gooey apple pie filling.  It's simply apples, brown sugar and corn starch.  However, when we top this with whipped cream and whiskey butterscotch sauce.....oh my!  It was my special surprise for Hubby.  He's back on days now, but struggling to adjust to sleeping at night.

Sweet pickle relish has been canned, but we need pickles too. So far, I'm not getting enough at one time, but hope to after our recent rain (so thankful for that down pour).  If I recall right, my first relish recipe called for carrots, but I used the Ball recipe this time (using apple cider vinegar).

The beans continue to come in.  I'm down to picking every other day now.  One daughter complained she'll see green beans in her dreams, she has seen so many of them, ha ha!  And that is how we want it.  Lots of harvest this year.  I'm sure we are well over 26 pounds, but I have been forgetful to weigh them lately.  This strainer held about 2-3 pounds.

This was my brunch the other day.  No time for breakfast.  It was a dandelion/egg scramble with garden zucchini, and homemade bread with home canned blueberry/cinnamon jam.  It got me through to dinner time.  Dinner was baked Mac n' Cheese, and home grown peas.  Brunch was on the porch, but dinner was not.  It was too hot again.

My tea infusion yesterday was a bit of fresh snipped sage and nettle.  I have not made my next tincture, as I am so far behind on drying my herbs.  I have to get that done now that we had one good rain shower.  

My notes, and sticky notes are piling up again.  I have them in every room, reminding me of what needs done, including finish an article for a magazine.  I am just so exhausted, morning and night (hence the nettle in my teas).  I have a pile growing in my hallway, that needs to be deposited at the local thrift too.  My main concerns are the larger outdoor jobs that need done.  I'm starting to wonder if I need a plan B for my potato harvest, cabbage harvest, etc.


  1. the bread looks yummy.
    I haven't done much cooking or canning, it is has been too hot. We froze the blueberries so we could make jam later, after it has cooled down.

  2. Sandra, I hear ya'
    It's been very hot here too.

  3. Oooh! Apple pie bread pudding! It sounds so wonderful! I am dragging in this weather, too, but there is still much that needs to be done, heat wave or not! Let's hope it passes soon.

  4. ok,,, I have to laugh,,, I am glad to see I am not the only one who had bags and bags full of stuff waiting for a trip to the Thrift shop...lol! I finally got mine to the Thrift after sitting in the back hallway for 2weeks,,, lol!

  5. Even hot here in northern Minnesota, too. Way too hot! It sure takes a toll on the body and what you can push yourself to get done outside. We had a brief rain shower right after dawn this morning, but not as much as we could use. About all it did was cling to everything and make the humidity that much worse. So humid my shell peas still weren't dry when I finally went out to pick them after lunch. Yuck.

  6. Susan, I sure hope we get a break from the heat soon.

  7. Katmom, it's probably a good think I haven't gone yet. The girls are cleaning out old clothes before their school starts again next month. The pile continues to grow until I get a free chance to drive it over.

  8. Mama Pea, I'm hoping we all get a break soon. It will be around 92° here today (blech, and I have to water everything today).

  9. The bread pudding sounds luscious. Brother loves bread pudding. Am going to have to try your recipe once winter comes.
    Prayers everyone's having a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.


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