Friday, July 22, 2016

Rain! ~ Random Tidbits

We finally got another rain shower last night.  I haven't checked the weather forecast yet today, but it's wet out.  I'm running behind today.  I'm just plumb worn out, and needed the rest.  Don't we all?

The humidity yesterday morning was thick.  My camera continued to fog up.  Here is Timmy resting in the heat.  See that pot?  It was one that was ravaged by a raccoon (or two or three), and there are green starts in it.  In fact, all but one (horehound) are showing signs of life, despite them getting turned over so many times.

My calendula is producing nicely in the herb garden this year.  The tops are even larger than last years.

This is a badly focused photo, but wanted to share our "snack" food.  I made a batch of hummus, and we are enjoying it on cucumber slices.  We are not getting enough cucumbers to can anything yet, so we are eating them up like this, or adding to salad.  Guess who complained about not having crackers for the hummus?  The one vegetarian who is very picky about vegetables. 

I plan on updating this on the post about zucchini salsa, but wanted to share this.  I canned the 2nd batch without corn starch, and left the juice from the tomatoes.  There was not much difference, so we are leaving the corn starch out on the next batch I can.

Yesterday was a full day in the kitchen.  I had several requests for apple pie bread pudding, and the last time I made it, it was sort of dry.  They suggested some Whiskey Butterscotch Sauce to top it, along with organic vanilla ice cream.  Ice cream is $6.99/half gallon here (organic).  It's time to make some homemade ice cream next.  

The sauce is made, but now I need to bake bread, in order to make the bread pudding.  That's today's plan - bake bread.

Yesterday I picked another pound of green beans, so we enjoyed them at dinner.  I made my first sage butter cream sauce for a pasta dish and it was delicious.  Original recipe called for a red onion, but only had a small shallot on hand.  I adjusted the recipe and chopped fresh sage from the herb garden.  The family loved it, so now I am planning to expand my knowledge and skills on pasta making. I want to learn to make ravioli from scratch.  I just hope my butternut squash does well.  I plan to stuff my ravioli (if I can make it happen) with butternut squash.

When I checked the weather yesterday, they said rain at 5am.  I woke up to no rain, and had secretly prayed for so much rain that I would get the day off from the garden.  Looks like I don't get the day off by looking out the window.  I still do my intentional exercise, so I am so far behind this morning.  Today will be day 7 of continuous green bean picking.  Hubby and I are thrilled to be putting it up for winter/spring.  Once these kids start moving out, I can stock up for two years (or not, if they stop in for meals).  

It's Friday, but the weekend is not free for fun for this family.  Hubby works all weekend, and the garden calls.  It's been a huge struggle to prepare meals for Hubby's long work days, but I'm getting it done somehow. 

As for that baby blanket that was only halfway done?  It's not done.  My sister-in-law is about to give birth in about 9 weeks.  Yikes!  Not sure if I can pull it off. After late meals, I'm doing chores up until 8-9pm (chores I can't do while Hubby sleeps).  


  1. I'd love to know how to make the sage butter cream sauce, my sage is doing so well this year.

  2. Take a deep breathe and remember that your body will tell you when enough is enough. Staying out of the heat of the day seems to help save myself for other things. So I plan all the gardening and such for early morn(sometimes before daylight is fully on us) till slightly after sun up. Then again in the evening after the sun is behind the hill.

  3. It's just NUTS how busy we all are in summer time! Your schedule is busier than mine especially because your hubby is working those long hours and isn't home to do much but sleep. We had some roof work on the schedule today but our temp was in the 90's (again) and it didn't seem even safe to spend time on a sizzling roof. I got peas and strawberries picked as early in the morning as I could and then processed them inside the house which remains relatively cool. We need rain now, too. Hang in there --- it's just a busy, busy time.

  4. hoosier girl, I started by dicing a small shallot in butter, then added some broth and other ingredients. If you google it, you'll find several varieties, all that use freshly chopped sage.

  5. Kim, I agree. Also, I agree about gardening very early. It gets hot very fast.

  6. Mama Pea, It was 94° here yesterday (felt like 101°), and today it will be even warmer (no rain).

  7. Hot here too. NOT enjoying it. We had several weeks of rain which was good for us, but now this incessant heat has dried everything to the bone, and we're watering again to keep things alive. Everyone is around here.
    Saw a report this morning that said the heat was suppose to last through the end of July. Who are they kidding!?! August is the hottest month of the year here. LOL
    Prayers everyone's having a joyous restful weekend. Prayers for a safe week ahead.
    God bless.

  8. RB, it's very hot here, and today I can't see out my windows. There is so much moisture on them. This is the first time to see that too.

  9. I've noticed that fog on the windows here too. The first two mornings, I thought it was fog outside until I opened the door and looked out.
    Weird stuff.
    Scientists are saying for the first time in recorded history, the jet stream dipped south of the equator, and they're very worried about that.
    God bless.


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