Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A mini-break

Last night I enlisted the help of two kiddos.  I invested in a second hand chopper, but realize now, that I should have purchased another cutting board too.

Anyway, one kiddo chopped the onions.  Another chopped up the bell peppers and hot peppers.

I chopped 12 cups of zucchini.  I'll have more details on this tomorrow.  It had to sit in the fridge overnight before canning today.

My ladies and Sparta got the end treats and seeds from the zucchini.  Kind of a nice treat on a very hot day.

My break yesterday?

A haircut.  I figured I could multi-task the trip and get chicken feed, and a few other stops in.  

Even with the break, I managed to get dinner in the oven.  Not sure how, but I did. It was super hot out, so I put my ladies and Sparta in early, and gave them a fan for the night.

This morning, it is very humid. I attempted to take photos of the beautiful sunrise this morning, and my lens fogged up.

I planted a package of organic cilantro seeds early this morning.  We have a chance of showers (slight chance), and my cilantro died over the past weekend.   

I have a few more tinctures to make, but have a few items to order (that I cannot grow here).  I'll post those soon.

I hope to get some time to catch up on all your blogs soon.  


  1. A new hairdo in the summertime can be a real treat!

  2. Hoping your humidity helps just a little bit with your lack of rain. When you have a big garden as you do, trying to water by hand because of lack of rain is nearly impossible. Our recent hot weather has calmed down a bit and we have a lovely breeze this morning without humidity. Why can't all summer weather be like this? :o)

    I have a wonderful recipe for Zucchini Relish . . . but no one eats it but me! :o(

  3. All sounds industrious and productive.
    Have you heard anything from or about your scamming neighbor lately?
    Prayers everyone's having a safe happy week.
    God bless.

  4. All sounds industrious and productive.
    Have you heard anything from or about your scamming neighbor lately?
    Prayers everyone's having a safe happy week.
    God bless.

  5. hoosier girl, you are so right. We all deserve a bit of pampering.

  6. Mama Pea, we finally got rain last night, but not much. I love to use zucchini relish in pasta and chicken/tuna salads.

  7. RB, as for the nuisance neighbor, the state attorney general went after them (due to all the complaints of no refunds). Some people got refunds (according to their site) by filing fraud reports through their credit card and paypal. According to what he posted, they are to sell land to pay everyone back. I'm guessing there is a cut off date for him to refund people. He's been shut down since then, however we saw him watering his "mud hole" earlier in the week, using two very large sprinklers and a well he has there. It will be interesting to see if he's bluffing the attorney general like he did all of his customers. We noticed his car and truck are gone and he has a new girlfriend (appears he has a new one every week or so). And we have not seen that any of their land has been sold (yet).


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