Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Garden and Random Tidbits

The current tea of my choice - freshly grated ginger and freshly squeezed lemon.  Hot tea on a hot day sounds odd, but it was good.  Today, I'm delegating iced tea making to a daughter.

My ladies got a recent treat - mushy banana and over-ripe apples. They love the bananas!  Today, I'm most likely crushing ice for them.  The heat will be high today.
Our popcorn, pinto beans, green beans, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, (re-planted) shell peas, and radishes are all up.  This could be a very busy year for us, which we needed.

I have not re-planted the medicinal herbs in pots just yet.  I think I have more raccoons that previously calculated.  Something ate the wine cork off my herb markerMy guess is raccoon.  Squirrels won't come up looking for cat food.  

Rain did not arrive as the forecast stated.  I have been doing quite a bit of watering here lately.  There are a few more items to plant.  I'm going to try and get them in today, but who knows.

Rain is a 40% chance today.  Yesterday it was 35% chance and we got zero.  

As for the neighbor, the so-called "park" is closed (or no one is going).  One person posted he fled the state, but we sat on the front porch and watched him load stuff into his car.  We also watched people drive by the place, driving very slowly.

Looks like ticket buyers are taking some serious action against him.  He gave them the "address" of the park location, but the post office told ticket buyers there is no way to receive mail there.  Therefore, anyone looking for it, won't find it, and if any has mailed tickets back for their refund, they will be getting their tickets returned to them.  One person stated they drove over to find it, and could not, and told people it didn't exist.  They said they spoke to "locals" and it was all a scam.  It just keeps getting more interesting.  And this is a comment from one person:

 "I agree this is not right! When I saw him announce this I knew he couldn't pull it off because when I was with him he was extremely mad because the town was giving him a problem with the park. He has a bad temper behind close doors so I said nothing about it. This is the *#$% (deleted a naughty word) he does and then runs."

I'm not sure, but in time, the public will know about this.  I'm surprised it hasn't made the local news here yet.  

I best get out to the garden.  The clock is a tickin' and the heat is going up quickly today.  We do not have the last air conditioner unit in yet either.  Looks like I won't have ice cold watermelon that I just bought last last night.  One of my kids ate the entire bowl of it after I went to bed.  Grr!  I'm not a happy Mom right now.  I work out in the heat, so the next watermelon is getting locked up tight.  We did not plant watermelon this year, so buying it is a real treat for me.

On a good note:  I was able to change the weight loss number today on my blog.  The scale moved.  This is a great achievement for me.


  1. That's great that hopefully the whole weird/illegal thing with your neighbor is done! Back to peace and quiet hopefully :) What kind of park was it supposed to be, for atv's, dirt bikes, etc?

  2. Yes, it's getting hot here now too although it's been nice but now the humidity is creeping up. Rain is coming in tomorrow or tonight I think. Take care in the heat!

  3. Little Homestead, he first opened it up 3 years ago, with gigantic tire trucks (behind our home in the woods). Then, when the township got after him, he opened up a field north and made race tracks, and tracks for dirt bikes/ATV's. Driving by, it looks like an abandoned produce stand on a field of man-made dirt hills. No guard rails, and I'm pretty sure no proper insurance for liability.

  4. Sam I Am, the heat was terrible yesterday, but this morning we have a nice breeze. I hope it stays that way today.

  5. Sounds as though things in your neck o' the woods are going good right now. (Well, except for the watermelon thief under the cover of night!) I'm loving to hear how well your garden is doing this year after the disaster last year. And such great news about the unscrupulous neighbor!! It's just too bad you had to endure so much before his illegal operation was shut down. Isn't it a huge upper when you're trying to shed some extra pounds and it actually happens?! Keep up the good work as the pounds dropped are both physically and emotionally uplifting!

  6. Thanks Mama Pea. I think stress from the last three years caused us all to pack on a few pounds. I am very happy about our garden this year. We will lack strawberries this year, but I may be able to buy some to restock jam. Every plant died last year but one.

  7. Been very hot here too. Was 98 yesterday (odd for June here), is suppose to be in the 80s today which is better. But then back up into the mid 90s for the next two days. Yuck!!!
    Congrats on the weight loss. Good for you.
    As for the news not knowing about your neighbor's scam, surprised they haven't gotten it from the police blotter, but you know "anyone" (wink, wink) could anonymously tell the news stations simply by going to their website, filling out a webform there and telling them about it.
    Prayers everyone has a safe happy week.
    God bless.


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